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The nuggie Tobias situation.

I agree with a one month suspension of admin. I mean I feel it is kind of obvious he won't do this kinda thing again but lets see if anymore problems with Tobias or others arise and if not then give it back.

IMO if you want to talk about political things do that somewhere else this is not the place this is a place where you meet people make friends have fun not some dumb political things why do anyone want to talk about that stuff when this is just a place to chill and have fun also if you are having problem sure you can report it but the better thing to do is just to block them cus people tend to stop if you just ignore then long enough.
This is what i think some may hate it some may like it but everyone is different so they think differently too. My main point is just shrug it off if you dont like what they think
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

(04-01-2016, 01:43 AM)Dreaddork Wrote:  I agree with a one month suspension of admin. I mean I feel it is kind of obvious he won't do this kinda thing again but lets see if anymore problems with Tobias or others arise and if not then give it back.

Censorship is lame, people need to just need to learn to avoid highly opinionated topics and not project their personal beliefs on people.

But that's a problem the whole nation has, and there isn't a smart or easy fix for it.

However this situation has already gotten out of hand.

Tobias and Nuggie BOTH need to say they have been handling this completely the wrong way.

For the record, you both are great in your own ways and I am not judging you, thinking less of you, or trying to insult you in what I am about to say.

You really need to learn to chill. For real man, you take this game way too seriously and it is really starting to affect others. You need to take it back a few notches and realize people want to play this game for entertainment and even use this game as an escape from whatever they're dealing with in life. I've seen some of the "evidence" videos on nuggie, and they completely show how you take things to new levels.

You take things way too objectively and basically sought out for anything "rule breaking" when he messes around. Whether or not its intentionally at you, nuggie is a pretty relaxed dude who I can see doing the things in these videos to others that he considers friends or that he knows.

I'm not denying what nuggie has done isn't wrong or not directed at you, but from the looks of it seems like you are nit-picking everything he does.

Don't make this about 'YOU'. Everything you've done for FRG has been FANTASTIC. But that has nothing, literally nothing to do with this situation. Leave it out of this, and stop taking this as an attack on you.

From what I've read and been told by Brass the past few weeks, you have been warned to just stop with tobias. But you didn't, and it really comes across as not giving a damn. Not talking to someone is the easiest thing to do, it literally takes more effort to think of and then say / do things that will set tobias on edge. I understand and have seen it made clear you are at odds with him and do not like him, but you need to have some self restraint on matters like this, WHICH by the way is KEY to being a rank with an affinity as high as admin. THIS is the reason you got demoted. You have shown you cannot separate what you feel and what you act on, resulting in meaningless, time wasting drama such as this.

Both of you acted equally poorly, and you both do not understand how to keep yourselves at bay.  

So there's what I have to add to this.

(04-01-2016, 01:46 AM)Terran Wrote:  
(04-01-2016, 01:43 AM)Dreaddork Wrote:  I agree with a one month suspension of admin. I mean I feel it is kind of obvious he won't do this kinda thing again but lets see if anymore problems with Tobias or others arise and if not then give it back.

The thing is that I asked him 3 times to stop then brass told him 3+ times to stop. He knew the consequences and he kept going. Every time Tobias reported him Brass would warn him, he knew what he was doing and he kept it going. Brass straight up told him several times he'll be ban or demoted

Alright, I guess it's my time to comment.


I do take the game a little too seriously, I'll admit that, but I also play video games to escape my real life issues. You act like I'm trying ruin everyone's fun by reporting stuff like this, when in reality I'm reporting it because it was starting to feel like real life for me. Everytime I was on the server, nuggie would figure out some way to make a sarcastic comment, a way to annoying me, or a way to ruin the fun for me. If it wasn't for Aresuft, I would have been defenseless, because I can't really stand up for myself very well, so thanks Aresuft.

I'm in my phone, so I can't type very much, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying.

This is really mcnuggies first really "slip up" otherwise its just personality vs personality on this one I have a sarcastic personality and mcnuggie and I have fallen into the same "challenges" with some of the same people so I think he should be let off just with a warning
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

(04-01-2016, 02:32 AM)Minehuis Wrote:  This is really mcnuggies first really "slip up" otherwise its just personality vs personality on this one I have a sarcastic personality and mcnuggie and I have fallen into the same "challenges" with some of the same people so I think he should be let off just with a warning

He was given 3 warnings to stop or he would be demoted.

He didn't listen to any of them and he got what he was promised.

I love both Nuggie and Tobi, and the fact that I hadn't noticed this was going on around me hurts like hell. Nuggie was one of the people who convinced me to come back, and Tobi can be really funny at times.

Before you act, think about how it will affect people close to you. The fact that two of my favorite players are fighting has actually caused me to tear up. I know I act silly a lot, but I'm really emotional.

Both are at fault, but idc what happens as long as Nuggie doesn't leave. I'm pissed at him right now, but I still don't want him to leave.
Umpty Dumpty

I've been willing to make up with you since day one Tobias, you've never given me the chance. I tried to move you into a team speak channel in order to fix our issues, and as I moved you I tried making a joke to lighten up the mood and any tensions, but instead you left and apparently that pissed you off.

I don't want any of this conflict guys, honestly. Of course I've fucked up, but who hasn't??? Tobias I'm serious, I have wanted this to be done forever but you trying to constantly get me demoted for literally ANYTHING I do is just really really bothering. You even said that calling you highly suspicious and then calling you out was harassment, and recodred a video, when you were standing in front of the community bowling trap right as I was about to walk to it, I feel it was logical to call you suspicious as I thought you were the one who did it. Stop taking everything I do as an attack against you, PLEASE. Many times I have attempted to unblock you to try and get this done, but you're not willing to fix our tensions. I HAVE done things simply just to piss you off, I admit that, but ever sense Brass talked to me for the first time about it I understood and took it down a notch. Once the constant complaints of me "harassing you" when all I was doing was playing TTT and minding my own business, with you blocked, started arriving that truly bothered me and that was the point where I was done with this shit, and there comes the passive aggressive comments. I am not constantly out to get you Tobias. We've known each other for TWO years and you should know that I joke around a lot. My posts on your shitposting thread was purely to be funny and just ironically post because it's in shitposting. You got mad about that when I was not doing it with the intent to make you mad.

I seriously don't want any of this. For fucks sake. All I've EVER wanted to do is help FRG.

(Also, aresuft, when you told me to stop you called me a prick and continued to insult me in steam chat and ingame after I told you that wasn't cool (i dont provide pictures cause i honestly didnt care, if he doesnt want to show me respect, so be it). I have no respect for you, if you're unable to talk to me respectfully as well dude, and thats something you've literally never done.)

Again: I'm sorry tobias. i truely am.

Edit: I removed you from my ignore list on the forums if you're down to talk, tobias

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