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Railgun Buff Suggestions

Since we can switch melees to ranged weapons and vice-versa, the Railgun should become more unique. Right now the Deathbringer is way better. Of course, the normal red/orange beams would be there.

Maybe you could toggle through different colors, with different beam effects:

Blue: A large wave of frost, doing minimal damage in an AOE but slows everyone down by about 50%.

Dark purple: A focused beam, as long as you hold down the attack button it semi-"locks on" to a target and drains their HP rapidly, sort of like a suffix. 1 damage a tick, maybe 4 ticks a second?

Green: An explosive nova that turns some of your HP into more Ammunition for the Railgun.

Black: Rapid shots similar to a HUGE, with very low accuracy. It'd be like a scattercannon, and if you're hit, your vision radius will be reduced massively.

My idea here is that the railgun won't just be "Bigger booms better gun, more kill", but versatile, effective and unique. A magical weapon of sorts...Through technology.

With the right balancing this could be a cool concept I guess
I think this is a little TOO much variation though.
Maybe bring it down to 3 colors

- That Thrakos Noob

How about we fix the exploit where you can keep it fully charged with another weapon out. THEN we talk about buffs if it needs it.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

^ That's not an exploit, it's supposed to happen.

- That Thrakos Noob

^Thx unpoke lot of people talk about it but if it was really a bug are or brass would try to fix it i said this many of times also i like the ideal terran <3 its sound cool
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

(02-29-2016, 12:07 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  ^ That's not an exploit, it's supposed to happen.

Its a bug but w/e i like it

Would the different beam effects be able to be changed through, or when a railgun is dropped does it have any of these effects as its 1 in 3 chance?

Changed, I hope. Switches, toggles, etc, though your idea is cool too.

Really? It's a better death bringer with a 1 in 3 chance to instakill WITHOUT YOU EVEN HAVING TO POINT YOUR GUN AT THE PERSON lol

Take off the current suffix and replace it with something else IMO, the gun is kind of cancerous

(02-29-2016, 02:56 AM)Furesh Wrote:  Really? It's a better death bringer with a 1 in 3 chance to instakill WITHOUT YOU EVEN HAVING TO POINT YOUR GUN AT THE PERSON lol

Take off the current suffix and replace it with something else IMO, the gun is kind of cancerous

im not sure it insta kills beside them, just damages them. Rail gun cant even pick up ammo to make wasting ammo for an explosive shot a good thing.

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