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Gizmo's Frg Member app!!!

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): Gizmo2526

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 106 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Well I noticed I really disliked ntg And wanted to try something knew and clicked this cool server!

Have you ever been banned and why?: No I haven't been banned and I wish to not be banned because I would love to play on this server

Why do you want to join?: I'm always on and I feel like i've played on the server enough to feel like being part of the community would probably be better for me!

Referred by: No one really Just told AnangryBeaver that I was gonna make a Member app

Additional Details: I love this server alot and even if I don't get member I'm gonna play on it reguardless!! Smile

Baby's got back +1

EDIT: SECOND +1 AHAHAHAHA! When Gizmo joined I immediately liked them just because they were fun to play with.

I got ninja'd ;__;

Gizmo plays a LOT and fun to play with. Friendly to all players.

Fun to play with, stays level headed in "salty" situations, +1

Why no salty with me +1
SG Fucking Overlord

fun to play with very positive and active I +1 ^_^

+1 he's not annoying and is fun to be around with

+1 he's fun to play with so yolo

- That Thrakos Noob

There is no way in hell you are 16

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