02-04-2016, 03:19 AM
Steam Name of Offending Player: Nekomata
Steam ID of Offending Player: STEAM_0:1:75911551
Date of event: 2/3/16
What Happened?: Neko wanted to borrow an M16 for the event. I loaned him my deadly M16 with a look at your feet trait, but after the event, he dropped off the face of the Earth. I was browsing the market and I saw my M16 on the market posted by him.
![Full sized Picture Image](http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/581326799409335192/8073DBCC9FB4E9A8BB95A029D76ECAF21A01BF58/)
Steam ID of Offending Player: STEAM_0:1:75911551
Date of event: 2/3/16
What Happened?: Neko wanted to borrow an M16 for the event. I loaned him my deadly M16 with a look at your feet trait, but after the event, he dropped off the face of the Earth. I was browsing the market and I saw my M16 on the market posted by him.