01-28-2016, 10:03 PM
Steam Name(Current):Tango(SCRUB)
Current Rank:Member
Have you ever been banned and why:None(except for name switching in-game)
Why would you like to be promoted?: I would like to be promoted since i have shown that i can follow the rules and have spent lots of time on here and would like to contribute more
Why do you think we should promote you?: Well i played lots of the server and would like to provide a bit more to the server than just playing
Do you have any administrative experience:No but i have to start somewhere
Additional Details:TANGO DOWN( Jake1o never forget Jake1o [innocent] has damaged Tango(SCRUB) [innocent] for 346 HP with falling or prop damage)
Current Rank:Member
Have you ever been banned and why:None(except for name switching in-game)
Why would you like to be promoted?: I would like to be promoted since i have shown that i can follow the rules and have spent lots of time on here and would like to contribute more
Why do you think we should promote you?: Well i played lots of the server and would like to provide a bit more to the server than just playing
Do you have any administrative experience:No but i have to start somewhere
Additional Details:TANGO DOWN( Jake1o never forget Jake1o [innocent] has damaged Tango(SCRUB) [innocent] for 346 HP with falling or prop damage)