Without the rolling changes:
With the rolling changes:
10000 item crate roll results(rarities). = {
Rare = 450,
Ordinary = 5353,
Godlike = 7,
Uncommon = 1302,
Legendary = 112,
Unlikely = 1086,
Common = 1689,
10000 item crate roll results(items). = {
Yagginese = 18,
Shank's Surplus = 30,
Sorrowful = 49,
Heartless = 48,
Thrakos = 1,
Pretty Pink = 54,
Adequate = 766,
Nighthawk = 9,
Ninjato = 29,
Lightweight = 114,
Traitor Round = 74,
Infectious = 11,
Nocturnal = 16,
Irradiated = 20,
Sledge Hammer = 72,
Axistence = 38,
Bellum Letale XR1 = 21,
Armadillius = 32,
Kief Daddy's = 64,
Moderate = 1571,
Blaze Crystal = 160,
Dimension Crystal = 56,
Umpty Dumpty = 16,
Coins = 467337,
Gravity Crystal = 30,
D9 Railgun MK3 = 3,
TotaliTerran = 56,
Vakarian = 19,
Bananas! = 63,
Tartarus = 3,
Noodler = 52,
Otterly = 73,
Exalted = 16,
The Nield = 49,
Flownoomder = 51,
Ravaging = 76,
Rampant = 86,
Glock-a-doodle-do = 31,
Apocalyptic = 22,
Decent = 3782,
Cyantific = 49,
Durendal = 15,
Kaiju = 32,
Rebounding Crystal = 84,
Doctorate = 24,
Flamboyant = 60,
Reload Crystal = 24,
Shock Absorb Crystal = 72,
Heroic = 8,
Distinguished = 13,
Omnipoten = 27,
Hatchet = 89,
Competent = 352,
Cryptic = 63,
Destructive = 131,
Rotting = 34,
Decimating = 27,
Jump Crystal = 70,
10000 item crate roll results(rarities). = {
Rare = 467,
Ordinary = 5379,
Godlike = 3,
Uncommon = 1375,
Legendary = 118,
Common = 1640,
Unlikely = 1017,
10000 item crate roll results(items). = {
Yagginese = 35,
Irradiated = 22,
Sorrowful = 54,
Heartless = 70,
Pretty Pink = 58,
Adequate = 769,
Nighthawk = 20,
Lightweight = 113,
Traitor Round = 88,
Jump Crystal = 71,
Destructive = 125,
Infectious = 16,
Sledge Hammer = 82,
Umpty Dumpty = 24,
Bellum Letale XR1 = 12,
Armadillius = 33,
Kief Daddy's = 71,
Moderate = 1583,
Blaze Crystal = 158,
Dimension Crystal = 40,
Doctorate = 32,
Coins = 421647,
Gravity Crystal = 16,
Bananas! = 51,
Vakarian = 14,
Exalted = 16,
Axistence = 33,
Tartarus = 3,
Noodler = 54,
Otterly = 60,
Heroic = 15,
The Nield = 42,
Apocalyptic = 15,
Ravaging = 90,
Rampant = 76,
Glock-a-doodle-do = 32,
TotaliTerran = 48,
Decent = 3796,
Nocturnal = 16,
Decimating = 31,
Kaiju = 36,
Rebounding Crystal = 106,
Cyantific = 42,
Flamboyant = 57,
Reload Crystal = 24,
Shock Absorb Crystal = 67,
Durendal = 13,
Distinguished = 12,
Omnipoten = 22,
Hatchet = 101,
Competent = 347,
Cryptic = 76,
Ninjato = 29,
Rotting = 35,
Shank's Surplus = 32,
Flownoomder = 36,