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Maximus3131's Member Application

+1, He really deserves it, he try's not to cause any problem on the server and my favorite thing about him is( He is not a Troll).
SG Fucking Overlord

He's shown a lot more interest lately in the server and is playing often also he fun to play with and a nice guy I +1

(01-06-2016, 02:32 PM)Enchantable Wrote:  
(01-06-2016, 12:27 PM)Baggins Wrote:  
(02-13-2015, 12:16 AM)Gaylord Stembath [TRADING] Wrote:  Omg Baggins is so lucky but is a douche to everyone...

Called me a douche, -1.

major kek

More like, major kok! Ahahahatopkokokokokok

+1 though, I've never seen him say anything rude to anyone/purposely break any rules. He deserves member Big Grin

+1 he not a bad guy he likes to have fun with everyone he dont rdm unless it was just a prank or we are just messing around on the server Big Grin
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

yasssss +1 hes grrrreat

I'm a little burned out from replying to all those staff applications. Maximus is cool, though. +1

+1, hes active and hasnt caused anything too bad thet i remember

- That Thrakos Noob


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