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{PSG} Maximus3131's Member Application

Age: 14

Steam Name(Current): {PSG} Maximus3131

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Around 100 hours on website, somewhere around 120 something on GameTracker

Where did you hear about this server?: From friends from NTG

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: I want to help out this awesome new inventory system community, which has overtaken my other servers as my favorite. Definately going to stay here for a long time.

Referred by: Referred to the server or referred to becoming member?

Additional Details: I play Gmod as my favorite game and I have played it for a long time, being staff on quite a few servers, most of which are no longer popular. I play games mostly, but I have 3 part time jobs, and also do school.

Side notes: Sorry if I act too "uptight" about keeping the rules and not rdming, I just find it annoying and I will try to just "chill". Also, for the people who say I micspam... I do not use it when there is a multitude of people or when there are people who do not want me to play some tunes... If there's only a few people who enjoy it, I do, but when someone joins who dislikes it I stop.

Please forgive me if I have stepped off on the wrong foot with any of you, I do my best to be nice and helpful, because i love this community and server, if I overdo it with keeping rules and not being too leniant I'm sorry.

+1. You're active and I haven't really had many problems with you (but I have had some) you just gotta chill out a bit tho, add me too so that if someone is disrespecting you I can deal with them. (I see that happening often.)

+1, Active, #2 FRG player. Nice an cool, but a bit hot tempered. Has sense for justice & rules also, good suggester.

And you actually have 57.15 hr BUT on gametracker, whilst you have 48.19 Hours on !time

Fix it mate.

I might be a bit hot tempered and need to chill out a bit, but when people are breaking the rules, there is every reason to make sure something happens...

Yeah, he has the needed 50 hours and he's really active, I see NO reasons not to get some members flowing. He's shown dedication.
  • x1

complains tons is rude,and doesnt know the rules/trying to imply false rules
edit -1 repd me because i -1ed him and lies
edit mic spams random crap

Captain, sorry if you think I imply false rules, but I don't, and I do know the rules, there is a post on the forums and a rules bar in the inventory. I complain when people completely have no disregard for the rules.

+0 You seem to be really rude in some situations, and you also tend to lose your temper.

EDIT: -1, I just came on to be greeted to you mic spamming really bad songs.

Updated, not the best with expressing myself, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say.

Be a little more loose in the rules and it's all cool. FRG is a much more relaxed community than others, so there's always room for forgiving. +1 You're cool nonetheless and I have had very few problems with you.

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