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i want to be unbanned please

name when I was banned lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz.                 name I have now lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz.               steam ID STEAM_0:1:86151492                 .ban length PERMENATELY.                Banned by Mcnuggie.                    i would like my ban removed. yes I did commit to the reason I was banned for. why I was banned problem causer in general. no additional info.  I would like to be unbanned I did mess up but my anger problems  Smile are gone and I am more mature and respectful so I would  Heart to be unbanned because this is my favorite server and brassx did a great job on it. Also its my birthday week (5 days till my birthday) maby 4 or 3 when your viewing this so maby it could be a birthday gift to be unbanned (please don't let this persuade you).And that is my ban appeal Smile merry christmas

You have to use the format that I posted to you in shoutbox.

Please update your post with it:


What did you do? Being cancer doesn't really tell us. That could be anything.

Still hard to read, but oh well.

I don't see the harm in giving him one more chance, he wasn't banned for any really BIG reason. Although, I just can't really believe you when you say you've changed so drastically in just 3 months lol.

I'm neutral for now. Once I see more responses / maybe hear more about what happened then I'll make up my mind.

This post doesn't look organized, you never stated your ban reason, and you're using your birthday as a reason to be unbanned though it may be subtle it's still evident.
Also how long ago were you banned?

I'm gonna have to say no -1

No. He was extremely immature and I can tell by the way he posts and writes that he hasn't changed, sorry.

If you are serious about this please use the proper format provided by McNuggie above.

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