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The Dalek Shogun Disrespect

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): The Dalek Shogun

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:109787075

Map the event happened on: Canyon

Date of event: 9/11/15

What Happened?: I was carrying around a box, and Shogun decided to shoot at it while I was holding it. I killed him for that and he reported me. I told him my reasoning and he canceled the report. After that, I asked Unpoke about checking the logs to see who shot me in the beginning of the round, and Shogun said "I didn't shoot you, you stupid faggot!" I told him that I wasn't accusing him of anything, and as he continued to argue, I blocked him. I talked to Unpoke about the exchange, and decided to post a report.

Witnesses: Unpoke

I don't normally get upset at name calling, but the fact that Shogun thinks he can just return to giving people attitude for the stupidest things is a little off-putting. I would like him punished, since it is not his first offense.

Maybe I take these things too lightly, but I think "faggot" is just a word often used by everyone and it wouldn't be fair to punish him directly for acting normal(ish) to the server's lower standards.

I dunno, I've seen worse, I don't see this as too big of a deal, but I'll let you all decide.

- That Thrakos Noob

The problem is, Unpoke, any word used offensively to another player can be disrespect. It doesn't have to be a curse word or even a truly offensive one, calling someone a big stinky toad can be disrespect as it is. That's the society that we live in. However, I do feel that this report is 100% pointless. If skins can be so thin that something so simple, obviously sad in the heat of game-play, can warrant someone wanting punishment...Well, nobody wins then. Still, if I see him online, I'll ask him to be nicer to people.

Also, remember: !block is a function. You can use it, too! Block any player that you wish. This complaint shouldn't lead to any punishment.

Edit: Unless this is the Shotgun Shogun kid. If so, disregard ALL of that and just ban him. That guy is a SERIOUS nuisance.

(09-12-2015, 05:56 AM)Terran Wrote:  The problem is, Unpoke, any word used offensively to another player can be disrespect. It doesn't have to be a curse word or even a truly offensive one, calling someone a big stinky toad can be disrespect as it is. That's the society that we live in. However, I do feel that this report is 100% pointless. If skins can be so thin that something so simple, obviously sad in the heat of game-play, can warrant someone wanting punishment...Well, nobody wins then. Still, if I see him online, I'll ask him to be nicer to people.

Also, remember: !block is a function. You can use it, too! Block any player that you wish. This complaint shouldn't lead to any punishment.

Edit: Unless this is the Shotgun Shogun kid. If so, disregard ALL of that and just ban him. That guy is a SERIOUS nuisance.

Oh, no, I get it's technically disrespectful and all, I'm just saying it's no more or less "disrespect" shown by the general internet and even some of the community of FRG.
As you said, blocking is a lot easier in this situation.

- That Thrakos Noob

It is Shotgun Shogun, yes.
I did block him, yes.
Now he's asking people to rdm me since I have him blocked.

(the rdm thing was a joke, lol.)

- That Thrakos Noob

im sorry for calling you names

i am very sorry for my rude behavior
please forgive me

(09-12-2015, 06:05 AM)Rotshout Wrote:  It is Shotgun Shogun, yes.
I did block him, yes.
Now he's asking people to rdm me since I have him blocked.

i only asked unpoke but i was a joke even unpoke knew that im sorry when you blocked me i said no one kill rotshout hes proven kill him you'll be kos'd

If he's publicly appoligizing, this should be alright. Yes, he may need a warning, but that's all that needs done in my opinion.
Umpty Dumpty

Thing is Dalek is on thin ice after being banned and whenever I've been on with him it's nothing, but childishness. If anything talk to him because every time he is on, he disrespects and swears at people the entire time.

I'd probably say it's fine if it was a one time offense. But this guy constantly tries to cause problems and start stuff with people.

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