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I'm back! (with a gun idea)

So the idea is a godlike MP5 named entropy. Here's what I'm thinking:
-10% fire rate
15% damage
20 round clip (not sure what the default is)
20% accuracy
8% movement speed

1 in 8-12 chance for your bullet to deal 50% damage
1 in  7-10 chance for your bullet to deal 200% damage
1 in 10-12 chance to force your opponent to swap from primary to secondary or vice versa
1 in 12-14 chance on hit to cause your opponent to to lose control of a random movement key
(forward, backwards, right or left) for 1-2 seconds.

What do you guys think?


(jk you disappeared for like 5 months lol)

All god likes will or have extra functionality other than just rng bullets, EG: rail gun laser can be released at will, ideas floating around for the Ascultone to have a charge function too, the direction these weapons go will mean I think your idea should cater this, what about a charge bar that once full (takes like 20 seconds to fill kinda like a battery) that when you right click (removes iron sights functionality) could discharge debuff shots that have a tracer effect and different sound and all the bullets could deal your rng debuffs on hit, but only during the discharge.

A godlike MP5 sounds cool though, I do like the MP5.

I like all the traits, but I think the 200% one might be a little overpowered. Thus far, as Radio said, all godlikes have some kind of special aspect to them such as a beam, lightning, AoE damage, etc within them to make them special rather than just regular bullets. Do you think you can think of a unique one for this? Although I'm not sure they're required or just coincidental.

- That Thrakos Noob

This gun would completely fuck someone.

Guns shouldn't have any traits that would completely ruin the opponents chance of fighting back. (This isn't NTG)

Godlikes also have something about them that makes it unique and kind of a novelty. The Ascultone is inaccurate but has beams that make it good for mid to close range, Railgun does high amounts of damage but is harder to get kills at close range, Tartarus is stupidly op but as is can destroy someone at mid to long range but runs the risk of killing the shooter up close, and the Thrakos is just bad.

Each gun has something special about it which creates risks to the user and makes it impractical for some situations.

I think that the movement trait is too much. Does this have to be a godlike? It could just be a legendary upgrade to the UMPty Dumpty. Unpoke, the 200% is literally the exact same thing that the bellum has. (firing 2 bullets at once) at least this has the balance of also firing a half damage bullet.

This better be a joke, which it is.

What about it mixes up your keys, similar to the "distorted" debuff in terraria. E.i left becomes right, forward becomes backward, jump becomes crouch and vise versa.

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