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Poll: Would you want your own custom HUD (Tradeable)?
Hell Yeah, New HUDS.
I like the Classic HUD, I rather be with it for life.
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Custom HUD Drops?!?

I believe it would be awesome, if players would be able to  receive unique HUDs just like any other item drop. It allows players to personalize their TTT HUD the way they want it, gives everyone their own feeling of ownership and control over what they want on their screens. I believe  this would be fantastic add, you could possibly add rarities to different HUDs and such just so players can trade them as well. This would also be fantastic if you allowed players to create their own HUDs and request for it to be turned into an item for the drop system. I think players all have different personalities, so why not give them a unique HUD?

Would be cool but it is sad because nobody else can see your HUD.

Yeah man, I always like the oppertunity to personalize my own screen!
Maybe not tradable though... I feel like it should be rarer.
Maybe every 10 levels you get one.

- That Thrakos Noob

I've seen really sick HUDs made for TTT, like the Crysis ones and such. These are not to force HUD change, just an equip or unequip. It would be just like the player model props we use now, how we are able to customize it. I do not like the ideas of weapons having skins because it basically will cause problems as in KOS's. This is a HUD, it is completely client side and will cause no such problems. If you don't like a HUD you can just switch it out. I think making it Tradeable will also assist with money inflation on the server. I believe BrassX would know what I am talking about. I am just considering this idea to find more ways for players to spend money on.

Too much work

Who said a community would be easy? Haha. Smile

aresuft just quit your IRL life and become a full time coder for FRG.

(07-16-2015, 05:13 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  Too much work

Agreed, one of us. One of us! One of us!

Interesting idea, but I think you may take for granted how much work goes into a custom HUD. Having a lot of them as drops would be a shitload of work(we're talking months of work, hardest part would be planning out a design), especially for someone like me who's not an artist. Not only that, already existing HUDs wouldn't work either from the start, as I'd need to edit them quite a bit to work with all of the custom stuff I've already made(and as people may know, I like to make things myself, and not use preexisting scripts most of the time).

(Also you can press F6 with the default hud to edit it, and re-arrange/re-size the elements, it's pretty old though I made it in 2013, and do have plans to make a new HUD)

Also Aresuft is a model developer, he doesn't actually code anything noobark.

Now if people could post design layouts, it's more likely I'd be able to do some fairly quickly.

I believe if you made a contest out of making HUDs, people would more likely to make them and be very motivated to do so. If there was like a prize for it, in other words you are rewarding one person but in return you are receiving multiple TTT HUD works made by the players. Killing one bird with one stone and receiving many results.

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