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Survivalist Quest

Using a Jihad completes the Survivalist quest if you kill someone with it. Pretty ironic.

Did you have 10 hp or less when you used the jihad?

I posted this in the shout-box yesterday.

We've had two players who have said it worked, and two who have said it hasn't. So I'm not quite sure what to expect. My guess is that they were knocked to near death and then exploded. Unpoke used a jihad with the quest, killed some people and yet it never counted.

I saw Zaccy do it, and could have sworn he was above 10 hp at the time, and said it counted (unless he was shot at the last minute - considering I was the only one in the room and was spraying around my thrakos like a confused child, I doubt I did that much) and shortly after, I tried it killing 3 people and I didn't get credit.

Not sure if it does or doesn't.

- That Thrakos Noob

I used the Jihad at full health, never got shot, and killed four people with it. Maybe after I died it killed someone and it counted as less than 10 Hp? Maybe if you throw an incend and it kills someone after you die, it counts too?

Ill get on and test it.
(after i finish 1 or my other quests)

I have tested it once but it was only on 1 person and it didnt cound so ill test further.

I think its because the jihad kills the user first and then does damage to enemies. Does the code say "If killed less than 10 hp"? If it does it could mean the a kill from beyond the grave could work as well...

(07-13-2015, 12:54 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  I think its because the jihad kills the user first and then does damage to enemies. Does the code say "If killed less than 10 hp"? If it does it could mean the a kill from beyond the grave could work as well...

According to my calculations, zero is indeed less than ten. So is this a bug? Probably not. A wording mistake? Probably. Should the difficulty of the quest be lowered? Probably to Easy.

I couldnt reproduce this, maybe its situational?

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