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Railgun/kunai/bow T/D item interactions

So currently the railgun is unable to hit tranq'd bodies, pretty much any T/D item placed down (Beartrap/barnacle/Healthstation at bare minimum need to be attackable), or break windows/push props like any other gun.

(So for a godlike or above, having the inability to interact with commonplace things is silly. Even moreso with the addition of the traps for T's, before it wasnt an issue because you didnt need to kill barnacles or beartraps to save yourself/others.)

According to others, bows and kunai also are unable to do any of these. (cant confirm, only going off their word.)

Made solely because feks was flaming me on discord about this. Blame him for me "complaining" on the forums.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug


I agree with going off the words of others.
Also, you posted this in the wrong section.
It shouldn't be able to "interact with commonplace things."
Just because something is Godlike+, doesn't mean it should be able to do everything weapons "inferior" to them can do.

By your logic, just because its "superior" doesnt mean it CANT do that also.
How about to stop following whatever i say around in order to cry about me/my "complaints".
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

Well it's not really a bug, but I can see how one would put it here.

Things that have custom ways of dealing damage, like these, are a bit more of a pain to get to work with other things sometimes. It's not too hard to add though really. Just a bit of a pain because I have to do these custom checks on the side (similar to how the crowbar has to work to damage props and what not)

Making the railgun push props is probably not something I'll do, but I'll at the least make it able to damage npc/traps and what not. Bows/kunai only need to be able to damage these as well. Making them work vs npc is something I've been doing in preparation for realms anyways.

Yeah the windows/props was a low priority part of this. The inability to damage T items/traps was the big part.

Ty for responding with your opinion on this brass.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

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