just a few bugs I've noticed from Survive runs. some of these might already have been said, but I'm not sure which ones.
These are just a few off the top of my head. Feel free to add more in replies.
- Sometimes the Square/Triangle just doesn't spawn
- Zelda Orbs sometimes just randomly disappear when you're holding them
- Zombies (mostly friendlies, but I've seen normals do it too) will sometimes walk through walls. Mostly happens around 1st area stairs and an unopened zelda
- Clicking "E' literally anywhere in Zelda will pick up a staff if one is on the pedestal
- Ammo will sometimes disappear when you buy it off the wall
- Boss's HP bar will stick where he teleported away from
- Boss's spike attack will go through walls, sometimes killing you from cross-map
- Boss tends to get stuck in 1st pit after his first or second teleport
- Reviving people on stairs will cause them to be stuck in the ceiling, making them almost impossible to get hit by zombies
- Not so much a bug, but an annoyance to dead players. Charples deliberately delay the round when there's only one left, making dead players unable to get their loot because the charple won't show up for a good two minutes
These are just a few off the top of my head. Feel free to add more in replies.