11-12-2016, 04:51 AM
Age: 15
Steam Name(Current): Thumper
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 157 Hours, 40 Minutes
Where did you hear about this server?: Random server I clicked on
Have you ever been banned and why?: Once, a couple days after my joined the server for revenge RDM
Why do you want to join?: I want to become a member because I only play FRG and I'm on constantly. I like the community and everybody makes TTT a really fun game mode to play.
Referred by:
Additional Details: My last Membership application two people said I RDM a lot. I have tried not to go trigger happy and RDM people. I feel as though I haven't had to be slayed to many times recently.
Steam Name(Current): Thumper
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 157 Hours, 40 Minutes
Where did you hear about this server?: Random server I clicked on
Have you ever been banned and why?: Once, a couple days after my joined the server for revenge RDM
Why do you want to join?: I want to become a member because I only play FRG and I'm on constantly. I like the community and everybody makes TTT a really fun game mode to play.
Referred by:
Additional Details: My last Membership application two people said I RDM a lot. I have tried not to go trigger happy and RDM people. I feel as though I haven't had to be slayed to many times recently.