Age: 14
Steam Name(Current): mrman1125
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): A little over a day
Where did you hear about this server?: I was with Ntg liked the whole item drop idea and found you guys when I searched for drops.
Have you ever been banned and why?: No
Why do you want to join?: The community is very nice no assholes like a lot of servers the owner is active and staff are on very often. So far I haven't meet someone that is rude or an asshole. I think it would just be very nice to be considered a part of the community.
Referred by: (Sorry didn't know get referred was a thing)
Additional Details: I got that good grammar though (really thought my grammar used to be shit). And if I get denied for time I understand it's just business. How do I become a donator.
Steam Name(Current): mrman1125
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): A little over a day
Where did you hear about this server?: I was with Ntg liked the whole item drop idea and found you guys when I searched for drops.
Have you ever been banned and why?: No
Why do you want to join?: The community is very nice no assholes like a lot of servers the owner is active and staff are on very often. So far I haven't meet someone that is rude or an asshole. I think it would just be very nice to be considered a part of the community.
Referred by: (Sorry didn't know get referred was a thing)
Additional Details: I got that good grammar though (really thought my grammar used to be shit). And if I get denied for time I understand it's just business. How do I become a donator.