07-05-2021, 01:26 AM
Overall concept:
In The World Ends With You, you kill enemies for new pins similar to how it works in Castlevania games. I’ve been using these pins as my avatar along with their names as my nickname in discord and I’d like to see at least a couple in-game. These pins do different things that vary from using fire to controlling objects. I noticed that a lot of the effects are all pretty similar to what we have in FRG. I’m proposing a semi all-around item that has the abilities of some of the godlikes we have and weakens them.
How do the pins work?
Most of these pins have a cooldown. When you use them, they go down by a certain percentage. When it’s depleted, it takes time for it to recycle. Also, some pins do not recycle meaning they’re only good for a couple of uses before they’re unable to be used again (for a TTT round in our case).
How would all of this work for FRG?
awIn the game, the player gets up to 6 unlockable slots to use. I feel this would be too much for a game like TTT, so my opinion would be a cap of four at a time. But how would you choose? I was thinking of a crystal synergizer style. Put items in a main item and use their abilities.
There was a second idea I had where it would be more of a pouch, but figured it might be too much to do. You would drag pins you’ve collected onto the main item to store them. Right clicking the main thing could open a menu to show you the pins you’ve put on it to enable them. I included an idea on how you could show that they’re enabled or not below.I would suggest he main item to be a Player Pin (Which is in the model section below)
The way you would obtain these is by killing NPC adds like spiders, rats and such to drop random pins.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/qZPLOch.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/hAKnKCK.png)
What would it look like in TTT?
I can’t provide a model, however, due to the simplicity, It could basically just be a circle being held with a fist. The way I imagine switching icons would be to spin it horizontally to get to the next pin.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/uaJfaow.png)
I had the thought that the world model would be more akin to the stance of the grimoire model or deagle, where they’re holding the book out in front of them. Otherwise, it could use the Player Pin (Which is below) by default so you wouldn’t have to make a world model for each and every one.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/ZQQu6N1.png)
How would I know who's using it?
We can either go the grimoire route and have it be very hard to tell who’s using/casting with it or the other idea is to have the player glow when casting, similar to below, which we already had something like that with negative sag. For reference, this what I would suggest from the animation they made
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/XiEPGQf.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/TAXz5ma.png)
How it works in-game: Drag across terrain to create a fire path behind it.
How it would work in TTT: Clicking on a spot just like you would with an orbital beam cannon will put a mark on the ground. After the first click, you can briefly guide it within a short distance of yourself with your mouse to leave a fire behind. It’s close to firewalkers, but you wouldn’t
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/YRRdMot.png)
How it works in-game: Slash cross an enemy for a melee attack
How it would work in TTT: It would be similar to Ashrune, where it has the ability to swing fast, although it would be weaker, along with no ultimate)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/yjSJEzb.png)
Cure Drink
How it works in-game: It heals you for 50% of your health. This can be used 3 times only with no recycling.
How it would work in TTT: Basically weaker wand. Instead of 6 balls that regrow, it only provides 3 and only on you.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/aHLMTzS.png)
Force Rounds
How it works in-game: It shoots an energy ball.
How it would work in TTT: Closest thing would just be a visual fat bullet. I’d think of it as a clip of an AR with the recycle being a longer reload.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/4t9AAmP.png)
How it works in-game: It picks up objects on the field and you can drag them around to deal damage.
How it would work in TTT: You’re able to “hold” onto a stationary prop and aim it in a direction before it lets it fling.
I’d imagine it would just be a holographic arrow like this:
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/ou3eVMH.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/PlqwjOP.png)
How it works in-game: Tapping on an enemy makes it spawn lightning around it.
How it would work in TTT: Could just be a more visually appealing electricity/very weak, but faster thrakos (no sound/different sound, maybe static instead)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/Ul6ozK0.png)
Ice Blow
How it works in-game: Slashing up on a location creates an ice pillar from the ground and rises up.
How it would work in TTT: Clicking on a spot just like you would with an orbital beam cannon will put a mark on the ground and have it rise up. Basically like Frost’s special.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/aDQGLZA.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/hrCq6dc.png)
Love me Tether
How it works in-game: Dragging across the screen will spawn a line of chains that damages anyone in middle
How it would work in TTT: It spawns a static line in front of you. Basically Gladr Beam, but with this as a visual instead.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/6lgZLGB.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/pYhQmMK.png)
Velocity Attack
How it works in-game: Dragging across your character dashes them forward, hurting anyone you go through.
How it would work in TTT: A short distance Frostblight with something in front similar to oracle shield (does not block damage). Something like below’s in-game asset.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/Q5ZKdha.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/xX1uYd1.png)
Swing Bishop
How it works in-game: Dragging across your character creates a boomerang.
How it would work in TTT: Swing we already have boomerangs, I thought it would be neat to have a more powerful one that didn’t rely on ammo. Could recolor the current one to make it look more like it’s in-game asset.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/gcNzeFb.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/MJS6IeN.png)
Meteor Magnet
How it works in-game: Clicking on a location drops down a rock
How it would work in TTT: Clicking on a spot just like you would with an orbital beam cannon will put a mark on the ground. Drops a prop rock from the sky.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/RKhHB0Z.png)
Gimme Dat Sheep
How it works in-game: Drawing a circle created a black hole to suck in enemies
How it would work in TTT: Clicking on a spot just like you would with an orbital beam cannon will put a mark on the ground. This creates a whirlwind effect on the spot. Could also replace it to make it similar to the in-game assets
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/oa54uym.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/TEF4xqs.png)
Splish Splash Barrier
How it works in-game: Pressing onto your character creates a barrier and heals you.
How it would work in TTT: Using it constantly drains itself and puts a shield around you that heals you for 10 hp at the end. Basically a weaker immoble Fool’s World. Rebooting is longer than average
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/AG098A4.png)
Poison Skull
How it works in-game: Having it on passively reduces enemy attack.
How it would work in TTT: Having this enabled passively gives you minor damage reduction. The other idea is that it reduces the first three hits you take and then doesn’t recycle.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/3Aq4jQ0.png)
Speed Factor
How it works in-game: Reduces the amount of time that it takes for the other pins to recycle.
How it would work in TTT: Reduces the amount of time that it takes for the other pins to recycle by 35%.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/3vjkJkc.png)
Lightning Moon
How it works in-game: Drawing a circle around the player creates an orbiting electric ball around them, damaging anyone on contact.
How it would work in TTT: Using it creates a ball that follows around the player and acts as a that one masterwork trait with the rocks that rotate around you.
P.S. I have every pin from the game and a nice collection
In The World Ends With You, you kill enemies for new pins similar to how it works in Castlevania games. I’ve been using these pins as my avatar along with their names as my nickname in discord and I’d like to see at least a couple in-game. These pins do different things that vary from using fire to controlling objects. I noticed that a lot of the effects are all pretty similar to what we have in FRG. I’m proposing a semi all-around item that has the abilities of some of the godlikes we have and weakens them.
How do the pins work?
Most of these pins have a cooldown. When you use them, they go down by a certain percentage. When it’s depleted, it takes time for it to recycle. Also, some pins do not recycle meaning they’re only good for a couple of uses before they’re unable to be used again (for a TTT round in our case).
How would all of this work for FRG?
awIn the game, the player gets up to 6 unlockable slots to use. I feel this would be too much for a game like TTT, so my opinion would be a cap of four at a time. But how would you choose? I was thinking of a crystal synergizer style. Put items in a main item and use their abilities.
There was a second idea I had where it would be more of a pouch, but figured it might be too much to do. You would drag pins you’ve collected onto the main item to store them. Right clicking the main thing could open a menu to show you the pins you’ve put on it to enable them. I included an idea on how you could show that they’re enabled or not below.I would suggest he main item to be a Player Pin (Which is in the model section below)
The way you would obtain these is by killing NPC adds like spiders, rats and such to drop random pins.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/qZPLOch.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/hAKnKCK.png)
What would it look like in TTT?
I can’t provide a model, however, due to the simplicity, It could basically just be a circle being held with a fist. The way I imagine switching icons would be to spin it horizontally to get to the next pin.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/uaJfaow.png)
I had the thought that the world model would be more akin to the stance of the grimoire model or deagle, where they’re holding the book out in front of them. Otherwise, it could use the Player Pin (Which is below) by default so you wouldn’t have to make a world model for each and every one.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/ZQQu6N1.png)
How would I know who's using it?
We can either go the grimoire route and have it be very hard to tell who’s using/casting with it or the other idea is to have the player glow when casting, similar to below, which we already had something like that with negative sag. For reference, this what I would suggest from the animation they made
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/XiEPGQf.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/TAXz5ma.png)
How it works in-game: Drag across terrain to create a fire path behind it.
How it would work in TTT: Clicking on a spot just like you would with an orbital beam cannon will put a mark on the ground. After the first click, you can briefly guide it within a short distance of yourself with your mouse to leave a fire behind. It’s close to firewalkers, but you wouldn’t
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/YRRdMot.png)
How it works in-game: Slash cross an enemy for a melee attack
How it would work in TTT: It would be similar to Ashrune, where it has the ability to swing fast, although it would be weaker, along with no ultimate)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/yjSJEzb.png)
Cure Drink
How it works in-game: It heals you for 50% of your health. This can be used 3 times only with no recycling.
How it would work in TTT: Basically weaker wand. Instead of 6 balls that regrow, it only provides 3 and only on you.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/aHLMTzS.png)
Force Rounds
How it works in-game: It shoots an energy ball.
How it would work in TTT: Closest thing would just be a visual fat bullet. I’d think of it as a clip of an AR with the recycle being a longer reload.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/4t9AAmP.png)
How it works in-game: It picks up objects on the field and you can drag them around to deal damage.
How it would work in TTT: You’re able to “hold” onto a stationary prop and aim it in a direction before it lets it fling.
I’d imagine it would just be a holographic arrow like this:
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/ou3eVMH.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/PlqwjOP.png)
How it works in-game: Tapping on an enemy makes it spawn lightning around it.
How it would work in TTT: Could just be a more visually appealing electricity/very weak, but faster thrakos (no sound/different sound, maybe static instead)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/Ul6ozK0.png)
Ice Blow
How it works in-game: Slashing up on a location creates an ice pillar from the ground and rises up.
How it would work in TTT: Clicking on a spot just like you would with an orbital beam cannon will put a mark on the ground and have it rise up. Basically like Frost’s special.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/aDQGLZA.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/hrCq6dc.png)
Love me Tether
How it works in-game: Dragging across the screen will spawn a line of chains that damages anyone in middle
How it would work in TTT: It spawns a static line in front of you. Basically Gladr Beam, but with this as a visual instead.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/6lgZLGB.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/pYhQmMK.png)
Velocity Attack
How it works in-game: Dragging across your character dashes them forward, hurting anyone you go through.
How it would work in TTT: A short distance Frostblight with something in front similar to oracle shield (does not block damage). Something like below’s in-game asset.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/Q5ZKdha.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/xX1uYd1.png)
Swing Bishop
How it works in-game: Dragging across your character creates a boomerang.
How it would work in TTT: Swing we already have boomerangs, I thought it would be neat to have a more powerful one that didn’t rely on ammo. Could recolor the current one to make it look more like it’s in-game asset.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/gcNzeFb.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/MJS6IeN.png)
Meteor Magnet
How it works in-game: Clicking on a location drops down a rock
How it would work in TTT: Clicking on a spot just like you would with an orbital beam cannon will put a mark on the ground. Drops a prop rock from the sky.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/RKhHB0Z.png)
Gimme Dat Sheep
How it works in-game: Drawing a circle created a black hole to suck in enemies
How it would work in TTT: Clicking on a spot just like you would with an orbital beam cannon will put a mark on the ground. This creates a whirlwind effect on the spot. Could also replace it to make it similar to the in-game assets
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/oa54uym.png)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/TEF4xqs.png)
Splish Splash Barrier
How it works in-game: Pressing onto your character creates a barrier and heals you.
How it would work in TTT: Using it constantly drains itself and puts a shield around you that heals you for 10 hp at the end. Basically a weaker immoble Fool’s World. Rebooting is longer than average
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/AG098A4.png)
Poison Skull
How it works in-game: Having it on passively reduces enemy attack.
How it would work in TTT: Having this enabled passively gives you minor damage reduction. The other idea is that it reduces the first three hits you take and then doesn’t recycle.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/3Aq4jQ0.png)
Speed Factor
How it works in-game: Reduces the amount of time that it takes for the other pins to recycle.
How it would work in TTT: Reduces the amount of time that it takes for the other pins to recycle by 35%.
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/3vjkJkc.png)
Lightning Moon
How it works in-game: Drawing a circle around the player creates an orbiting electric ball around them, damaging anyone on contact.
How it would work in TTT: Using it creates a ball that follows around the player and acts as a that one masterwork trait with the rocks that rotate around you.
P.S. I have every pin from the game and a nice collection
![Full sized Picture Image](https://i.imgur.com/lBMWbu8.png)