Age: 15 (as of tomorrow/the 20th)
Steam Name(Current): ICantBelieveItsNotDeathrayjj
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 500 hours total. 389 TTT, 87 Lobby, and various hours to equal 500 on all the other servers.
Where did you hear about this server?: After "The Moat Incident"
Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, around 4 years ago when I was a complete toxic dumbass I got banned. For toxicity.
Why do you want to join?: I really enjoy the server and the community that has been built around it. I want to join because I feel like i've played the server enough to understand the responsibilities and the meaning of member. I've have thoroughly played the server and have decided that I want to become a truly active member of the community.
Referred by: Meepen.
Additional Details: i'm "Retarded Retard"
Steam Name(Current): ICantBelieveItsNotDeathrayjj
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 500 hours total. 389 TTT, 87 Lobby, and various hours to equal 500 on all the other servers.
Where did you hear about this server?: After "The Moat Incident"
Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, around 4 years ago when I was a complete toxic dumbass I got banned. For toxicity.
Why do you want to join?: I really enjoy the server and the community that has been built around it. I want to join because I feel like i've played the server enough to understand the responsibilities and the meaning of member. I've have thoroughly played the server and have decided that I want to become a truly active member of the community.
Referred by: Meepen.
Additional Details: i'm "Retarded Retard"