I've enjoyed spending 1 hour playing Terror in Troubled Townsmanship, and even more so spending 11 hours in the lobby, but I felt there was something missing while organizing.
Amidst all the weapon prefixes and indexes, the power levels and stats and attributes, I found myself amazed, perplexed, but also puzzled at the sheer variety of the server's arsenal and specialized weapon attributes - and while that is impressive, it's also very time consuming and confusing.
What I first wanted to suggest, was custom named tabs allowing the player to sort the weapons there, to help set aside which weapons are definite keepers, which are situational, etc, to the players hearts contempt. However, judging by your already existing storage tab system, I guess that would be very dumbfounded and hard to divide.
Which is why I thought of another thing, based on other management tools, and garry's mods very own systems: personalized tags or sets.
Basically, allowing the player to add a (foot)note tag to a weapon or item of their choice, giving ease of convenience and a certain peace of mind to the player. The tag, will then be present in the same menu which presents the attributes, either at the top, or bottom, as a small text. Would be awesome, as then players could have a lot more ease when deciding what their go to weapon should be in certain situations, like for a TTT match, or certain bosses and events.
As an extension to that: in the inventory menus (bank, or I), another option is presented, allowing the player to select/equip all items with the specified tag. Redacted, considering selecting multiple items is not possible in menus.
Would love to hear more, cheers!
Amidst all the weapon prefixes and indexes, the power levels and stats and attributes, I found myself amazed, perplexed, but also puzzled at the sheer variety of the server's arsenal and specialized weapon attributes - and while that is impressive, it's also very time consuming and confusing.
What I first wanted to suggest, was custom named tabs allowing the player to sort the weapons there, to help set aside which weapons are definite keepers, which are situational, etc, to the players hearts contempt. However, judging by your already existing storage tab system, I guess that would be very dumbfounded and hard to divide.
Which is why I thought of another thing, based on other management tools, and garry's mods very own systems: personalized tags or sets.
Basically, allowing the player to add a (foot)note tag to a weapon or item of their choice, giving ease of convenience and a certain peace of mind to the player. The tag, will then be present in the same menu which presents the attributes, either at the top, or bottom, as a small text. Would be awesome, as then players could have a lot more ease when deciding what their go to weapon should be in certain situations, like for a TTT match, or certain bosses and events.
Would love to hear more, cheers!