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The Jollinator

Weapon Type: Any
Name: The Jollinator (if you can think of something better, please do)
Rarity: Legendary
Clip: -3 to +3
Firerate: -10% to +10%
Stability: +10% to +20%
Accuracy: +5% to +15%
Damage: -10% to +10%
Mobility: -5%
Suffix: To any player that hasn't damaged you, heals them for 10% of the damage dealt. For any player who has damaged you, deals full damage.
(Mostly a "fun" gun. If this isn't viable, then have it so that you can switch between the two. If the healing perk is too OP, then have it so that it heals the target equal to your entire clip possibly, but takes all the ammo).

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