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[LSO]๖ۣۜSlitheringSOUL's Membership Application.

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): [LSO]๖ۣۜSlitheringSCARE

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 104 Hours 46 Minutes 27 Seconds

Where did you hear about this server?: On my hunt for servers that provided drops and inventory... I tried multiple servers... I liked this one the most.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No... and I hope it stays that way.

Why do you want to join?: In my past playing in FRG, I have made some mistakes... I like to think that those people I affected have forgiven me.... all-in-all I enjoy playing on the server... I've met some cool guys.. and a gal or two...(Lookin at you Kcat)... And I hope to stay with you all for a long time...

Referred by:

Additional Details: I'm still young... as such, there are still things I don't know how to react to... I hope that by joining you guys in the community I can build more relationships and learn more about you all. :D

didnt u just make an application?

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to -1 this. You are kind of annoying and rude in game, to be honest.

Please don't reply to this app too please.

this is the 3rd app in what, 2 weeks?

Maybe you should try again in like a month or so -1. An figure out why you keep getting -1 and Fixs those problems.
SG Fucking Overlord

After talking with him I think he came off the wrong way and that he actually cares about the server.

He would make a great member in due time, I just think it may be too soon from his last application in respect to the community.


I've been talking to Slithering over the past few days and I think he's a pretty cool and respectful person. I don't know how he could come off as rude; he's pretty mature in my eyes and I believe he'd make a fine member.

Denied. Re-Apply when you play more!

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