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Items lost to time.

While this will start out as more a question/discussion, i assure you it will become a suggestion.

Does anyone else wonder what happens to the items that get lost when people get perma banned (those with absolute no hope of being back,so like all of them)? Are they simply locked in a dead user account? Are they outright deleted like the clinton emails? Or maybe brass puts them away in his armory? No matter what, they are all but removed from play. But what if, they could be brought back.

And thats where the suggestion comes in. What i prepose ( if possible) would be one of two things. Option A. A monthly or weekly buy in giveaway. At the end the winner recieves X object/coin amount recovered from a banned individual. Option B. Add a new npc merchant type person to the lobby, when you interact with them you could pay X ammount and recieve one of 3 things. X amount of coins, a suffixed weapon recovered, or a godlike/primordial recovered.

Thank you for at least hearing this out, and looking over it.

megalongdong pleas

When a player is banned, their items are locked. The only way any of these are/will ever be brought back into the game is if the person is unbanned (or if someone loaned an item to them with solid proof).

Removing some of these items from the economy actually helps it in the end IMO. I have already denied several people asking me if they could have the items in some perma-banned peoples inventories.

(08-08-2016, 07:37 AM)Excel Wrote:  megalongdong pleas

I was gonna say that!

Well. damn, was worth a shot

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