09-30-2021, 01:40 PM
Make your friends always come back to you by latching this boomerang to their spirit!
On hit, boomerang attaches itself to a player and stays there. User can click again to "return" the boomerang to them, tugging the hit user with it. (think Minecraft fishing rodding a player)
Perhaps while attached, the user gets spirit tracking of some sort? Boomerang should be able to return through walls, as it is a ghost.
ooo spooky
no boner joke this year sorry i couldnt think of one
On hit, boomerang attaches itself to a player and stays there. User can click again to "return" the boomerang to them, tugging the hit user with it. (think Minecraft fishing rodding a player)
Perhaps while attached, the user gets spirit tracking of some sort? Boomerang should be able to return through walls, as it is a ghost.
ooo spooky
no boner joke this year sorry i couldnt think of one