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Would you join an FRG Rust "Zerg"?
I have Rust and would join!
A2, Aresuft, Dreadark, Jake1o, Poison, Terran, yes indeed quite so, [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8, ❤ Clairebear ❤
9 45.00%
I don't have Rust but I would join!
Enchantable, Moz, Shadow_man43
3 15.00%
I have Rust, but I wouldn't join!
2bias, Angry_Reaper, CoachGrump, Team A.U.T.S
4 20.00%
I don't have Rust, and I still wouldn't join!
Beebee1303, Catbug, Kuro, Unpoke
4 20.00%
Total: 20 vote(s) 100%