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Spoder's Contact Details | |
Homepage: | https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198273727799/ |
Email: | Send Spoder an email. |
Additional Info About Spoder | |
Sex: | Undisclosed |
Steam Details | |
Steam Verified | Yes |
Level | 15 |
SteamID 32 | STEAM_0:1:156731035 |
SteamID 64 | http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198273727799 |
SteamRep | http://www.steamrep.com/profiles/76561198273727799 |
Inventory Details | |
Coins: | 28,330,907 |
Equipped Items:![]() DurendalLegendary Mobility: 10% Damage: 20% Firerate: -10% Range: 25% An exceptional blade. Has a 1 in 12.02 chance to shoot a Hotdog that deals 30 or more damage, and increases your targets head hitbox by 50% (PVP ONLY). This item grants 2x the progress towards applicable kill-based challenge scroll challenges and daily tasks. Has a 1 in 13.57 chance to shoot a Skull that deals 25 or more damage, and inflicts bleed for 5 seconds. Enemies killed with this weapon are 50% more likely to drop loot orbs, where applicable. Has a 1 in 13 chance to shoot a Watermelon that deals 30 or more damage, and life steals 50% of the damage dealt. ![]() WrathwingGodlike Damage: 13.96% Engulfed by roaring flames, spits fire. A strict limit of 2 traits can be applied to this item. Discovered by VictorinoD Has a 1 in 7.95 chance to weaken targets, causing them to take 34.96% more damage from all sources, and deal 8.61% less damage to you for 14.22 seconds. Each shot affects the target with a volatile charge for 5.67 seconds. Accumulating enough charges will trigger an explosion, dealing AoE damage. ![]() Glock-a-doodle-doRare Clip: 20 Mobility: 10% Stability: 25% Accuracy: -15% Damage: -50% Firerate: 60% (1) Because FUCK Roosters. Has a 1 in 12.52 Chance to add ammo to your clip while shooting. Upon being inflicted with any DoT gain 61.09 % proc protection for 20.14 seconds. Has a 1 in 14.4 chance to shoot a Watermelon that deals 30 or more damage, and life steals 50% of the damage dealt. Has a 1 in 8.49 chance to shoot a HADOKEN ! Has a 1 in 11.57 chance to inflict bleeding; Dealing 3 damage every 1.31 seconds for 11.19 seconds. After 5 consecutive hits on a target, you release a Frost Nova around the victim, dealing 22.98 damage and pushing enemies away. The blast radius grows by 20.97 for each extra hit beyond 5 . ![]() Crystal SynergizerGodlike Charges: 3.98 Current Charge: 21.07% This allows you to combine the abilities of two crystals of your choice. You can drag and drop applicable crystals onto this item to add them to it. Discovered by Eclipse ![]() Bloody RelicPrimordial Picking this item up applies a noticable weight to one's shoulders, yet some have never let go of it. Doubles your max HP, but you take 2x the damage. Regenerates 2 HP a second. Discovered by Fur-Runner Gaming Grants + 40% Reload Speed to your entire loadout. (Does not stack with Reload Crystal). ![]() Christmas OrnamentPrimordial Grenade Count: 3 Item suggested by Philip and Twentysix. Discovered by Sxythe Has a 1 in 13.43 to make your targets take light damage and grow by 15% for 24.36 Seconds. If this weapon is not in your mainhand, the chance to proc is 50% worse. Rightful headshot kills causes target to explode, sending out 8.16 snowballs. Has a 1 in 8.75 chance to inflict Joyful Spirit, playing Christmas sounds and slowing them by 20% for 40.68 seconds. Reloading your weapon (or holding WALK if not applicable) will create a healing bubble lasting 8.14 seconds, with a 65 second cooldown. Has a 1 in 12.82 chance to create a Soul Linking field upon shooting or swinging, everything within this field becomes linked and shares a portion of the damage dealt amongst them. Winter CompendiumLegendary A Free Daily compendium awarded to all players during the 2025 Winter Event. You must complete this in order to receive another. 2025 Event Cooldowns: | |
Grim's Labyrinth: None Worm Queen: None |