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loop thief, trimp specialist's Contact Details | |
Homepage: | https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198832554729/ |
Email: | Send loop thief, trimp specialist an email. |
Additional Info About loop thief, trimp specialist | |
Sex: | Undisclosed |
Steam Details | |
Steam Verified | Yes |
Level | 10 |
SteamID 32 | STEAM_0:1:436144500 |
SteamID 64 | http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198832554729 |
SteamRep | http://www.steamrep.com/profiles/76561198832554729 |
Inventory Details | |
Coins: | 14,564 |
Equipped Items: Elder GodswordGodlike Using the combined power of all the hilts, this sword can utilize all of the Godsword abilities. Discovered by TJ, Beebee, and Nytemart PrismaPrimordial Deploy Speed: -15% Stability: -20% Accuracy: 20% Damage: 14.55% Mobility: 11.51% Firerate: 19.4% An Artifact from the months of April and May. This item stems from multiple player's suggestions. Discovered by Glazz S p e c t r u m Extinct Candy Cane DeagleGodlike Clip: 1 Firerate: 18% Stability: -35% Accuracy: 30% Damage: 30% Reload Speed: -25% Mobility: 8.5% So sweet it can kill. Has a 1 in 10.67 chance to Freeze weakened targets in an impenetrable Ice Cube for ~14.61 Seconds. Dealing 5 Frost damage every 1.5 seconds. Aligned with Sagittarius. Has a 1 in 2.93 for the Final bullet to deal double damage. (If clip size is less than 3, your damage caps at 90) While held, this weapon can use any ammo type found, additionally it grants 2x the normal ammo amount from most ammo sources/abilities. Double tapping WALK will make 50-100% of the ammo you pickup convert to HP instead for 20 seconds. (No overheal) Crystal SynergizerGodlike Charges: 4.78 Current Charge: 0% This allows you to combine the abilities of two crystals of your choice. You can drag and drop applicable crystals onto this item to add them to it. Discovered by Eclipse BoomboxExotic Pop a mixtape in and play songs! Mixtape not included. Discovered by GamingHappens Event Cooldowns: | |
Grim's Labyrinth: None Worm Queen: None |