The feedback were from people who don't enjoy our TTT experience and choose not to really play here because of it. Not our current players for the most part my dude, it's just a test to see how it goes, nothing set in stone.
didn't notice much of a difference tbh but I'd have to play more. Except for that last round, it definitely ended fast. With shuriken/books/shit like that, innocents can get into annoying places. You know that scramble to find a credit to grapple up to where some innocent flew up to with a book? yeah you got 1/2 the time now reee
15 Apr 17:29
Sardine has acquired a Sealed Djinn! (Hellfire Crate)
I feel like I'm being silly. I'll give it a while to try and then make an opinion. It just feels like another small change in a landslide of super minor things that just feel like it ruins some of the fun of how TTT is. But then again, I play FRG for the inventory. I could play on a vanilla TTT server (though I have waaaay more commitment and attachments to FRG, inventory or not).
I definitely have trouble sometimes as a T when I have to plan things out. Sometimes you need a minute to prepare or plan, maybe you're waiting for a C4 to go off, or a group to split up. Sure, you could just spray at the 6 guys clumped up and hope your progress goes up for challenges, but you're going to die. Maybe I'm overreacting though, it only halves the extra time Traitors get...
I guess people just want their drops, nobody here actually gives a shit about TTT, its just a way to complete their challenge scrolls as they try to get items. I hope this reverts, but I guess it'd come down to overall opinion.
"Lengthy" rounds only happen when its left to an idiot who doesn't know the game, most rounds are 30 seconds due to people sweating over challenge kills. I think that's a terrible change.
Added round-time for T's killing innocents was reduced to 15 seconds vs 30 seconds per kill, in hopes to make our rounds less 'lengthy' as that was one of the main complaints I heard about our TTT experience.