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Xmas/Hot Potato Minigame Change

When you get hit by grenade and it switches to you give it a minimal time till detonation of 3 seconds so you could atleast attempt to throw and add some counter-play.

Alternatively or in addition make the playermodel flash with the bomb to let players know when the people holding nades are gonna blow, in addition to making it easier to see those with bombs.

I'd like to see the grenades only be passable via throws, and to actually be able to see (roughly) how much time you have left. Increments of 5, i.e you could see you have 15 seconds, 10 or 5, but not what's between them. Improve the throwing a bit and make the hitbox very slightly "sticky" to make it more about passing around than yeeting and trying to crouch jump away.
Regardless, I enjoy the rounds and even if they stay as they are they're fun.

I like left click passing so someone doesnt constantly cross jump and just fuck you hard, but fair its pretty fun. Just thought this might be a nice addition to it since i see alot of people raging and getting sick of it, which playing it atleast once a map some of these problems would start to get to you so fair enough.

Theoretically you could infinitely pass it back and forth if it was a min of 3 seconds. That's not how hotpotato works.

How about if you throw it with not enough timing let it finish hitting someone before it blows it you up, it would have been a pass.
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I feel due to how the game works, its less about messing with people and passing it here and there but its more of you thinking PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS ok i passed it now RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN which i dont exactly find the most fun, its more crouch spam spin do a backflip or else your fucked where unlike in hot potato you never know when it blows (I cant even tell when im holding it too well, might just be me though) which cuts out one of the most fun parts of hot potato for me which was the dynamic between the guy with the potato trying to fuck you up by holding it for the last second and then you which is trying to throw it asap (Where you cant know when its gonna blow too well, and you cant pass too fast due to the moving nature of FRGs minigame and the harder aiming than irl, and how long it takes for the bomb to be thrown and another attempt to be given if you miss somehow)

I feel like you are dramatically overthinking the game of hot potato.

(12-22-2019, 09:14 PM)Dreadark Wrote:  I feel like you are dramatically overthinking the game of hot potato.

Not wrong but i feel its granted.

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