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Controversial Thread - Remove/Change Traitor Tokens

Its to nobody's surprise that I haven't been playing a lot, and one of the factors is that its not fun to play TTT...When you don't get T. I'm not talking about because you can progress on challenges or dailies or whatever, I'm just talking about how its fun to be a traitor. I routinely go 2 to 3 MAPS without being a traitor, and its a surprise when I actually am one. I'm a detective far more often than traitor.

Perhaps its just incredibly bad luck (That I've been suffering from for a very, very long time now), or something about Traitor Tokens is hurting my chances to become a T.
Some changes could be a MUCH LONGER cooldown (1hr?) on tokens, removing them entirely, or making them have a chance to increase your traitorness*.

*i.e using a token will boost your chance to become a T. If it fails to trigger, the chance is boosted again. If it fails again, it goes up again, until you're guaranteed a round. Combined with a longer cooldown could be good.

Now, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe in some weird fluke traitor tokens actually don't lower other players' chances of becoming T's and I'm just whinging. If so, wow, I sure have some bad luck going MAPS in a row without being Traitor.

Its not fun. Its not TTT. Its not fair. I shouldn't have to grind or pay money or buy "fun" from other players!

I do agree, it does suck playing when you don't have tokens. But it would be so hard to just remove them when the eternal rounds exist and people are grinding/have grinded for them Sad

(12-19-2019, 01:53 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  I do agree, it does suck playing when you don't have tokens. But it would be so hard to just remove them when the eternal rounds exist and people are grinding/have grinded for them Sad
Nerf them then. A free guaranteed T round every hour sounds good enough reeee

literally no one else has a problem with this

As long as more than 1 T exists, at least 1 T will always be chosen at random, and not be a token user. Tokens have a cooldown as well so I'm not sure if its really an issue. Dry streaks of not being a T happen no matter what.

Many times I've gone for multiple maps without being a Traitor, and that's just unfortunate. The odds feel stacked against me, whether I have Detective enabled or not. I remember being a traitor fairly consistently when playing in the past, but it hasn't been that way for a while now. I can guarantee most of my rounds are Innocent, and if I have it enabled, I'm a Det more often than a T (Which makes sense, since people do disable Det rounds).

Honestly, I thought only one Token user could be chosen a round and the rest were randoms, so I'm surprised its the opposite. Cooldowns are about 15* minutes, right? Doesn't seem hard for people to rotate that pretty consistently, what-with 5-10 minute rounds. Just a couple of dedicated Token users is probably going to hurt everyone else's chances.

*honestly I don't know the cooldown length

The proof of the pudding is I'm just not really a traitor often, and that's not fun. I play my innocent rounds, I don't afk or sit around or try and die, I'm active in them (hence why I hate people who idle away their rounds) but even I get bored of it, especially with how virtually impossible it is to fight back. Guns have so many special effects and straight up strengths that if you're shot out of nowhere, you're pretty much guaranteed dead.

You also have and can buy guns with the same caliber. You could move to a different server where there is literally no chance of winning a fight if you really think it’s that unfair.

Also you’re just unlucky for not being selected as T, I get back to back t rounds for a few maps, to none for a map or two. Just don’t be impatient.

When playing with dailies, you legit get t/d once every like 3 maps when not using tokens its a feels bad man. Maybe make it so the cd of 10 minutes is expanded for every token used within an hour of the cooldown going away by 20% or something like that.

Brass did something that I think improved it, but I can't say for certain yet

(12-20-2019, 10:00 PM)Terran Wrote:  Brass did something that I think improved it, but I can't say for certain yet

BrassxYesterday at 12:03 PM
Reduced max number of T Token users chosen per round (when applicable)
Also increased T token cooldown

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