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Some ideas to give prim/godlike fish use

Seeing as godlike fish are typically the highest letter catches in the pool, I thought it would be neat to give them more use as the hardest catches, like having a seperate tab to exchange these fish for direct items.

Two ways I came up with are:

Fish prim+ could be exchanged directly, say you need 6 to exchange for an UNTRADEABLE rusty key (since they aren't as rare as before, are are more likely to not see great profit) working as 1 prim would be 1 credit toward the 6, and godlike fish would be 3. It would also be nice to see UNTRADEABLE enraged eyes be say 15 credits, seeing as how kraken isn't that popular at the moment and most of the server hasn't had the luck to get any eyes.  


The fish you trade in go toward a total weight instead of credits, this adds up their total weight to a goal of say 1000, then the "pile of fish you collected" can be exchanged for an UNTRADABLE key. (maybe 2000 is eye?) This would bringing fish weight into more importance, and possibly giving people a reason to catch those 2-3 letter fish most people skip.

(I wanted to stretch the importance of these being untradeable, because this would help people get better at fishing so they could use their own eyes, instead of having someone else fish them up or selling for an unreasonably high price)

I personally think this is a great idea because again Kraken isnt that poppular i havent seen it the past 2 days (when im online) and ive never gotten a enraged eye and also i havent gotten many rusty keys only once ive gotten somthing good out of it so its a great idea in my opinion. +1

I think it would be a great idea to give prim/godlike fish some sort of purpose. A special vending option for rusty keys/enraged eyes would be a good idea in my opinion.

+1 great idea

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