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Mini-game Chaos

In the past few days I have been playing a lot of TTT and that means I have had the pleasure to play a ton of mini-games. Everytime a mini-game comes on there is two types of people that make their voice heard, those excited to play and those less than excited. I'll be honest and say that I am one of the less excited people nowadays, but only with two mini-games, OCC and Sword Fights. While I may not enjoy playing them, I still love the idea and want to see them brought into a better light. To start, I will discuss what I think needs to be adjusted for OCC to be more enjoyable for everyone.


As of right now, OCC is pure mayhem when its played. I love this type of chaos but I feel that it might need to be toned down a bit to be more fair for the players participating. I suggest that the spawn timer should be increased, ever so slightly so people are not spawing and dying constantly, give them a break from the disorder. Along with that, perhaps adjusting spawn points to have more space in-between players when the server has above average traffic. I cannot express how many times I, alone, have been spawned into someone else, leading to me getting killed without having much of a fighting chance. I understand that this problem may be difficult to fix due to high traffic being so unpredictable, but I feel that this problem could be somewhat minimized if spawn timers were increased. The second problem I have with the gamemode is how people give up if they get close to the end of their magazine, then asking someone to kill them so they dont lose their progress. In order to avoid this I think there should be a timer for each weapon. For example, you get 30 seconds to get a kill or else it goes back to the previous weapon. I think this would require people to "participate" more and not sit there asking to be killed. I know these problems are minimal but I feel they would make the mini-game more entertaining for a lot of people. Next I have suggestions on how to make Sword Fights more enjoyable.


To start off, I adore Longswords, but I still feel there is room for improvement. Everytime I have played this gamemode I see some fights that end in seconds and some that gone on for minutes. The longer fights are not because of people running but because each fighter keeps swinging, blocking, swinging, blocking, etc. These exchanges are fun but silly to watch and in order to fix this I suggest that people blocking should take minor damage. So when a player blocks an attack have them take 5-10 damage to make sure they arent just trying to play too defensively. Some may argue that "if playing defensively works then you do it too" but this leads to fights that take forever and that is boring for most people playing. I also suggest that there should be a stamina bar for this gamemode. I feel that if each attack used stamina, it would make players think more stratigically and reduce the amounts of random swinging to try hitting someone. Blocking wouldnt use stamina but the player defending would still take damage through their blocks. My last suggestion is to get rid of the -75% gravity on this gamemode. While -75% gravity can be fun, I feel that this makes the gamemode much less enjoyable and more frustrating than anything.

I know many of these suggestions may be hard to impliment and may even be unnecessary but I like to make sure everyone has a good time. While I may not express it all the time due to my salty nature, I love all the mini-games and want to see them enjoyed more than they are right now.

Free loot, fun minigame thanks (insert nob) - jake10

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