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Voteban and viewing death scene doesn't work

Earlier today there was someone on who revenge rdm'd and disrespected many people, so naturally I banned him for a day ( since most of it was voice chat there was no proof and it's gone now anyway, so..)
After about 2-3 minutes, he returns fine and not banned at all. So I asked derp if I could ban him for a minute, and he came back just fine.

Basically what I'm getting at is voteban is just a glorified votekick and that fixing it would be nice c:

Also I just realized that watching death scenes is broken for me too, I don't think it's client sided, but Idk.

can comfirm, it does not work i was able to get right back in.

Ya, view death scene sounds like a great thing but it does like nothign..

I don't think death scene is supposed to be a thing - takes a super amount of the server box's power or so?
If not, then I guess you aren't allowed to use it if not member+

I disabled death scene, it uses an absurd amount of memory, and I'll look into vote ban issues.

(02-04-2015, 02:42 PM)Brassx Wrote:  I disabled death scene, it uses an absurd amount of memory, and I'll look into vote ban issues.

Damn, those were really helpful. Oh well, we did without before, we can do without now :/

Ya, it was, maybe you could figure out a way to make it work but less memory?

Oh god. It's NTG's votebans all over again.
Please, no!

Should be fixed now.

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