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halamans member app #something

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): halaman

Time played on servers?: 1158 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I decided to get on TTT after a long time and found this server.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, exploiting spin2win and needing a break from TTT for rdming Jerome 4+ times in 1 map and got Banned for a week causing me not to play on FRG for 3 months.

Why do you want to join?: I want to become a member of the server because I believe I would be a good part of the server and help show new people how to play the server and learn the rules, so that they don't get banned.

Referred by: none

Additional Details: I have tried hard to stop mic spamming which means Unpoke hasn't muted me everyday. I have also lowered my mic volume, because people know that my mic is loud so I turned it down, so if I yell I won't get gagged. I have also tried to not be toxic like people said. I do get salty once in a while and I'm sorry about that. If you believe I don't deserve member at the moment, I won't mind you posting your honest opinion on this member app. Heart
Bouncy Rounds

You are really funny and seem to have a big reputation (a good one) on the server. I feel halaman would make a really good member! Tongue +1

Can you at least put this in your bans "I rem Jerome 4+ times in 1 map and got Banned for a week causing me not to play on FRG for 3 months"... Thats a very important part you are leaving out.
SG Fucking Overlord

+1 He's trying to be more quiet as I can barely hear him scream now since his mic is so low

Likes to shark lower level players for their good guns -1
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

(07-19-2017, 11:29 PM)Minehuis Wrote:  Likes to shark lower level players for their good guns -1
Halaman asked me to clear some stuff up so i am here, I dont play much, and I dropped a CCD***, he traded a Apocalyptic m16** and 11k Coins, no one else was offering and i took it cuz i dont play much, as you can tell since i am a newbie. I do not play much, all i do is survive pretty much and Spin 2 Lose. I dont mind the trade even after many say i got sharked. So i am happy, no problems here. If you think this was sharking me nor halaman can do much to change your mind, but I would like to say he didnt shark me in this occurance.

Btw: when halaman offered this I told the server they said dont do it, so everyone knew what was happening, but I did it anyway since i dont like to barter when i dont need to.

Halaman has gotten better since his last like 5 applications. He turned down his mic ~2 days ago and has not found his way back to my Block List. He has stopped being cancerous as fuck and also stopped yelling in his mic so +1...

You happy Halaman?
SG Fucking Overlord

+1, he can be much at time but he is much better than before and keeps improving.

-1 Is Toxic and just all around annoying to play with, I personally haven't seen any improvement at all.

Halaman is fun to play with, sure he may occasionally lie to the level 1's to get a certain map but he almost always picks a good map.+1

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