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Terran +Member Application

Age: 24

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why?: I believe I have, but I checked the ban list for my steam ID and couldn't bring anything up. Not sure if I've been banned for anything serious, though. I have been gagged and vbatted a lot, however.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I plan to keep playing a lot, and I'm really getting tired of watching people get RDM'd while we don't have anybody on. I don't have school or serious work, so I'm on and off at random times, times when a lot of other people can't make it on. I just want to help out, since I enjoyed it before.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I'm not really an amazing candidate, but I can definitely do the job and I don't believe I'm biased. I'm pretty much a shithead a lot of the time, but I respect FRG, and its rules/policies. I don't care about a rank for the visual fluff it gives, I don't want people to "treat me differently" or anything stupid, it just seems like it could be useful for the server and hey, having something to do when dead benefits me as well. If you read my app, add cow to your reply. But I wouldn't be shocked or upset if this was denied, because I say stupid things, and I do stupid things, and I've been rude to enough people. But I also like to think that the good I've done outweights the horrible evil.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Always, yes.

Do you have any administrative experience?: I've been moderator on these servers before, and stepped down because we had plenty of people as replacement, and, frankly, they were better than me.

Additional Details: I sound like I'm 14 and I am silly. However, I'm not an edgy, racist gender-hating teenager (Like I once was). Have a good day.

Approved, but tone down the mic spam!

- That Thrakos Noob

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