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What would you like to see on TTT?

(10-08-2017, 09:28 PM)Brassx Wrote:  Reviving the thread again, lots of solid points here and it's time for some more changes!

After discussing with some people, we've come up with a new idea(kind of similar to an idea posted here earlier). Not entirely TTT based, but FRG in general:

Crate Progression
  • You have a 'Crate Level' (lack of better title at the moment).
  • Each time you open a crate, you gain XP for that specific crate 'series', once you reach a certain XP threshold you level up.
  • There's a "Crate Skill Tree" (lack of better title again), these would be per-crate and grant small perks when opening that crate series. You would have to unlock the ones you want once you reach their required levels.
    These perks could be things like this:
    • The crate series would cost less in the coinshop by some %.
    • Have a 1 in semi-rare chance to not consume the crate at all when opening.
    • Output the drop rate of an item you roll in the chat (non-common items only).
  • That's not a definite list, and has plenty of room for ideas.
  • Reaching max level in a specific crate will grant a "(Crate series) GOD" title.
If the proposed features are added, crates bought from the coinshop would be untradeable.

What do you guys think of this idea?

personally i prefer the current rarities of things, the excitement of actually rolling a godlike it worth much more than the ability to roll a godlike so much easier. coming from someone who recently unboxed a frost, i like how difficult it is to get godlikes and other amazingly rare weapons, its what made me want to keep playing in the first place. Some people may find it stupidly hard to get anything good but its all about how much time you spend trying to get that item. The more time you do something the more the chances of you getting what you want increases, its simple math. in short, i like the rarity and wish not that one of the most enticing features of this inventory system gets ruined.
(9 + 10) - catbugs age = 14

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RE: What would you like to see on TTT? - Captain PineappleSparrow - 10-10-2017, 04:21 AM

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