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What would you like to see on TTT?

T/D items
I'd rather see changes to pure TTT, meaning more Traitor and Detective items.
I would personally like to see Claymines and Barnicles as T items.

Grenade overhall

I also thought it would be cool to have drop-able grenades and/or Grenade pouch.
The grenade pouch would have 3 empty slots. You would use grenades that you opened/dropped and put them into these slots. Each round would give you the grenades in order that you put them after you use one. If you die, you drop the one you have (meaning if you never used any of your 3 grenades, only the first one will drop.)

There would be rarity Ordinary grenades would be ones you find on TTT. While I think of this, I have to consider you would be able to carry 3 of each and every one of these grenades together.
Some grenades that I thought of are:
  • Healing grenades: You throw a red plus. Heals anyone within radius for 5 hp. Radius of about the visualizer. Makes healing orb not so much necessary, but still helps if you have one. This is so that if you gain 3 of these grenades, you don't heal too much, but if many people have them, many people could heal to max.
  • Inverse grenade: Instead of discombobulators pushing outwards, make them push inwards. Makes getting people in a ground easier, I guess.
  • Sticky grenade: Throw a grenade on someone and it sticks like a remote mine. Does like 20 damage.
  • Sticky fire: Incendiary that if someone manages to take damage from the fire, the fire will stick on them. Does less than normal incendiary but ignores blaze crystal to a degree.
  • Cluster Grenade: The grenade splits into multiple. Should do like a total of 70 on best hit.
  • Tomahawk: Throwables can be like this too! Basically just hold down a tomahawk to do like 30 damage.
  • Flashbang: Why not, it's kinda there.
  • Singularity grenade: Push in like Inverse, and then push out like Discombob.
  • Targeting/Remote cars: Targeting would make it automatically target someone that the user sees for a short period of time. Remote would be fully controlled for a little bit. Either way, they would be able to be shot, and make noise. Should do a good amount of damage.
  • Spiked grenade: Throw it at someone and it hurts them. Then it will explode and put spikes on the floor for a short period of time that do minimal damage.
  • Paintball: Throw this at someone HEAD and specifically HEAD and it does a Cartoony splash in their face for a short period of time.
  • Snowball: Doesn't hurt much, but makes mobility slower than normal.
I'll probably come up with more.

Godlikes in C menu
You could always put godlike weapons in a separate tab in the T/D menu and make them cost 3 credits so people can test them out before they buy them.

List of Godlikes on forums?
Although this isn't specifically TTT related, can we get an index of what godlikes there are? If there hasn't been one dropped, make it's categories ??? and have a grey gun. for a picture. Also, tell where you can get it "Drop from: Tidal Crate". Heres an example. Yes it can use more spacing and better text size and font.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What would you like to see on TTT? - TJ1524 - 12-23-2016, 03:02 AM

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