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Another unban? [Terminatior Mat]

Let me go into detail of why this entire situation really bothers me.

I made a post a while back with the whole racism rule and why it's become a problem to even have. Currently it's only truly enforced when some random comes on obviously to troll and says the N word. They're typically instantly banned, without much care in the world.

But then the word nigga for some god forsaken reason is allowed. Two words that sounds really similar one which will get you BANNED and one that is PERFECTLY FINE. This is honestly madness especially when we have people on the server who throw it around without a second thought there is all sorts of problems.
People will get the wrong impression especially if it's not detailed carefully in the rules. This rule is in desperate need of changing in definition and wording. Especially after the incident with Hockeyfn.

The most terrifying thing in this situation is that there is no way to prove or disprove that Nield heard it correctly. There's no way for Mat to actually prove that he didn't say or did say the word. We have no evidence on either side to either appeal it or support the banning reaason.

All we have right now is the word of a trusted moderator vs someone who was permanently banned an on the watchlist.
Now I know Nield, he's one of our trusted moderators and I doubt he's biased against Matlas, but there is always a chance to mishear something for any reason.
Equally I know Matlas, he's a super charismatic guy who has a temper sometimes, and I really doubt he actually said it or meant to say it but there is always a chance that he could have.

My case to make is that I highly, highly doubt that Mat after trying his best to get unbanned, who knows the rules in and out (enough to know the difference between the two words) would actually play 1 and 1/2 months without any issues and go on to waste everything in that one moment JUST to say something racist. The thought is absurd at best.

I also trust Nield's word completely, I have no doubt that he may have heard it that way for some reason be it connection issues or Mat's tongue "slurring" or him actually saying the word. I understand that he had the right to ban him under the circumstances.

I just don't agree with this rule or how it's handled and it needs to be changed.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another unban? [Terminatior Mat] - Kuro - 10-23-2016, 01:30 AM

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