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Event Cooldown bug

(05-11-2016, 03:12 AM)๖:Zalphier:. Wrote:  2 things, First of all will do, 2nd how would i go about pming brass? And also what kind of bugs would i put here vs what to send to brass directly?

You report bugs here such as items being lost/deleted or some odd things like icons not displaying correctly. Quests not recording properly or generally smaller annoying bugs.

Reporting server breaking bugs here or information about them including reproduction steps is a really big no-no.

Things like duplication or other big bugs should be reported to Brass directly, don't tell anybody else.

Messages In This Thread
Event Cooldown bug - ๖:Zalphier:. - 05-11-2016, 03:05 AM
RE: Event Cooldown bug - tobiasxz - 05-11-2016, 03:08 AM
RE: Event Cooldown bug - ๖:Zalphier:. - 05-11-2016, 03:12 AM
RE: Event Cooldown bug - Derp-A-Doodle-Doo - 05-11-2016, 03:19 AM
RE: Event Cooldown bug - Kuro - 05-11-2016, 03:19 AM

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