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Shiny Gyarados Member Application - Printable Version

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Shiny Gyarados Member Application - Shiny Gyarados - 11-14-2015

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): Shiny Gyarados

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: From Brassx/Jake

Have you ever been banned and why?: Karma bans

Why do you want to join?: Because I love you guys and I want to be loved by you all <3

Referred by: My dude Nuggie

Additional Details: I used to play on NTG(So thats how I heard about FRG) and I was an admin there before I came here. I really like the community here a lot more because I can mess around a lot more with my friends and play serious but still have a shit ton of fun.

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - Enchantable - 11-14-2015

+1. Came back and is very active now and very fun to play with. He's cool to everyone and would make a fantastic member!

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - McNuggie - 11-14-2015

+1. Shiny is one of the coolest doods i've met, he's always been a guy cool guy and he is member material in my opinion.

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - Unpoke - 11-14-2015

you JUST hit 50 hours? it's always good when someone thinks you've been playing longer than you have, it means you're noticable enough to be considered a part'a the community early (then again, you have also been around forever)
+1, awesome player

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - Rotshout - 11-15-2015

This is the only person I would rather have Harmfull as a member than. -1

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - ghasT_T - 11-15-2015

Great guy, would represent well. +1

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - RetralMega - 11-15-2015

Shiny and I have had our differences on NTG, but he's a cool guy and would represent this community well. +1.

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - Terran - 11-15-2015

Yeah, he's a solid team player and a friendly guy. Down with Phish' tyranny, up with shiny magikarps! +1

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 - 11-15-2015

+1 for me he's shown a lot of activity since he came back and he's a really fun player and a good friend Big Grin

RE: Shiny Gyarados Member Application - Shiny Gyarados - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 06:41 AM)Terran Wrote:  Yeah, he's a solid team player and a friendly guy. Down with Phish' tyranny, up with shiny magikarps! +1

Lmfao, Terran I love you <3