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Quests not finished properly. - Printable Version

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Quests not finished properly. - Terran - 08-16-2015

I took "Bird Watcher" and "Good Samaritan" earlier today, and completed both. Bird Watcher was slightly glitchy, I was 19/20 for a while and it wasn't progressing. However, I completed both of them (Bird Watcher first, and took Survivalist), and then I went back to stock up on quests but "Bird Watcher" and "Good Samaritan" are still there to complete, and my fragments haven't increased.

What gives?

Edit: At least, I don't know if I got my fragments. Blehh.

RE: Quests not finished properly. - Brassx - 08-16-2015

Probably my fault. If you grabbed those quests earlier today when they first reset anyways. Do you remember what time you first took them?

RE: Quests not finished properly. - Chosen - 08-16-2015

It happened to me as well with Survivalist a bit ago, I told Terran I finished it then I saw I didn't get frags.

RE: Quests not finished properly. - Terran - 08-16-2015

I took them about 11AM my time, around ~1PM average American time (When the quests reset) and probably finished them around 2 or 3PM my time. Not sure though.

RE: Quests not finished properly. - Rotshout - 08-16-2015

(08-16-2015, 04:31 AM)Terran Wrote:  I took them about 11AM my time, around ~1PM average American time (When the quests reset) and probably finished them around 2 or 3PM my time. Not sure though.

"American time"
Doesn't Canada share the same times zones with the US? The sun doesn't go from South to North.

RE: Quests not finished properly. - Terran - 08-16-2015

Very different time zones. For example, where I'm in in Saskatchewan, we don't have daylight savings time. At all.

RE: Quests not finished properly. - Brassx - 08-16-2015

Yeah ok, so here's probably what happened. I was on my test lobby server again, testing some stuff. The quests reset on my test server a little bit after the main lobby server, so what I did was re-save the main lobby servers quests, which messes with the timestamps of when the quests were generated, thus making the system believe you actually have a quest from a different week.

RE: Quests not finished properly. - Terran - 08-16-2015

Oh, okay. I think I might have gotten the reward from the quests before, I just didn't know. I got like...12+5 fragments, it was just a small amount so I didn't pay attention. Regardless, the quests are there again, so I could just do them over again. It didn't take that long.

Thanks for explaining though!