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Two new secondary ideas - Printable Version

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Two new secondary ideas - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-28-2015

First Freeze ray

About the gun: It has a charge that is 50% faster then the railgun. Design on the gun could have ice dripping down and just a cold feeling, maybe a small one handed futuristic looking gun.

Suffix: has a 1-8 chance to give target -100% mobility for 1-2 sec also has a 1-10 chance to give the holder -50% mobility for 3-5 sec.

Damage +25% from regular pistol stats
Accuracy +15%
Recoil -10-15%
Clip +2
mobility -5% the cold handle makes you slower just from the touch.
Reload: its the same as the basic pistol

Rose and widow

About the gun: duel berettas one is colored black and one is colored red

Suffix: one has a 1- 8-11 chance to effect target with charm 8-10sec. Charm makes the targets bullets have a 33% chance to heal the holder for 10 health. Widow suffix has the same chance to drain 20 health from the holder and give it to the target.

Damage +15%
Fire rate +20%
Recoil -10%
cilp each beretta holds 15 bullets in each gun I think, so add 2 to each gun.
Reload -5%

RE: Two new secondary ideas - Terran - 07-28-2015

The first one would be pretty neat. The downside lasts too long and is too strong though.

RE: Two new secondary ideas - Unpoke - 07-28-2015

I like the freeze ray idea, I actually wouldn't mind the mobility decrease as even a suffix or a trait tbh.

Edit: If it's a trait, though, I wouldn't want it to be 100% stop, though. Maybe an 80% mobility reduction or something of that sort.

RE: Two new secondary ideas - Pepper - 07-28-2015

I like the first one

RE: Two new secondary ideas - Kendrick Lamar NotFound.Tech - 07-28-2015

I like the freeze ray Idea, if you change the second one just a little bit I will like it.

RE: Two new secondary ideas - BlueInTheBalls - 07-29-2015

Freeze ray is a great idea!

RE: Two new secondary ideas - Kendrick Lamar NotFound.Tech - 07-29-2015

It is like the ice suffix from ntg

RE: Two new secondary ideas - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-29-2015

ya but its its own wep, the ice suffix is kinda bad.

RE: Two new secondary ideas - Mr.Potato - 07-29-2015

dual berratas as a secondary sounds cool

RE: Two new secondary ideas - Zott - 07-29-2015

I like the freeze ray. And dualies sound pretty cool. Maybe have different types? Mustang and sally, ultra and violet, etc