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[Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - Printable Version

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[Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - NatMeth - 06-28-2015


I have played for 136 hours.

I want to be member because I have played on many other servers and I have been admin/mod on a few servers.

I am a close rule follower. And almost always have perfect karma on the server.

I have been banned once for 1 minute for changing my name mid round when i was new to the server.


RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - Terran - 06-28-2015

You need your age and etc, so the format here is a good thing to follow.

RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - Max - 06-28-2015

You should use the (Age: Steam Name(Current): Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Where did you hear about this server?: Have you ever been banned and why?:
Why do you want to join?: Referred by: Additional Details: ) format, but I do think you would be a good member. EDIT: +1 now that you have added the age. I STILL DON'T TRUST YOU!

RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - Ritt - 06-28-2015

cant really say, iv have only seen and played y\with you maybe once or twice. after i have played with you more i will give me + or -

RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - Shawnxstl - 06-29-2015

Have played with quite often lately. Never starts any trouble and plays by the rules. +1.

RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - Minehuis - 07-01-2015

He's good +1

RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - SilentSpy - 07-01-2015

Plays often and follows the rules. Although he didn't exactly follow format I've never had a problem with him. +1

RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - RetralMega - 07-03-2015

+1. Fun guy to play with.

kos dave

RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - Rotshout - 07-04-2015

I don't know about perfect karma, you Tbait and propkill a lot. I don't have any problems with you other than that, and you're a decent team player. If you would mess around less, I could give you a +1, but for now, -0.25.

RE: [Avanic]Batman-DontTrustMe's Member application - Unpoke - 07-08-2015

+1, decent player, on often, yeah.