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Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - Printable Version

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Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - Terran - 06-28-2015

Instead, Traitors should be able to buy a Helmet, sort of like CS:GO, which would provide maybe 50% head-shot protection?

It seems silly to have "Body Armor" block...well, headshots?

*This may be only because I'm mad Swift Deagles do 88 damage headshots on T's/Dets with body armor

RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - Dreadark - 06-28-2015

well terran. thats what you get for not liking my distinguished deagle because it was too slow.

RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - RetralMega - 06-28-2015

I agree. It's annoying to get a headshot and have chest armor reduce the damage. +1.

RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - Unpoke - 06-28-2015

but the juan-deags must happen...

RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - NeoLeo - 06-28-2015


RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - Bathory (She/They) - 06-28-2015

How about this, body armor only does torso damage reduction? Cause if you remove the head from it, limbs make no sense either.

RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - Zott - 06-28-2015

(06-28-2015, 03:47 PM)Kheyre-Sama Wrote:  How about this, body armor only does torso damage reduction? Cause if you remove the head from it, limbs make no sense either.

getting shots on limbs already do substantially less damage so I agree with kheyre

RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - Terran - 06-28-2015

That's a smart idea, Kheyre. It'd make sense.

RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - bastard - 06-28-2015

+1, makes sense

also because i want my flamboyant deagle to 1 shot as well, but hey, you cant blame me

RE: Body Armor Shouldn't Protect From Headshots* - Terran - 06-29-2015

Actually, can we also make deagle's headshot multiplier, like, x8 or something? A deagle head-shot should ALWAYS instantly kill. Then the Swift deagles won't suck as much.

Terran [traitor] has damaged SilentSpy [detective] for 88 HP with a Deagle.

Partial credit to Fresh for thinking of it.