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Let's Post Some Halloween Ideas! - Printable Version

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RE: Let's Post Some Halloween Ideas! - Rotshout - 10-07-2015

(10-07-2015, 08:54 PM)Terran Wrote:  The Annabelle sounds cool, actually.

The Annabelle has a slow enough firerate to be able to reload a bullet in between firing. It fires slugs, and is very accurate.

RE: Let's Post Some Halloween Ideas! - Dreadark - 10-07-2015

(10-07-2015, 09:23 PM)Rotshout Wrote:  
(10-07-2015, 08:54 PM)Terran Wrote:  The Annabelle sounds cool, actually.

The Annabelle has a slow enough firerate to be able to reload a bullet in between firing. It fires slugs, and is very accurate.

Call it.

has a nice ring to it don't you think?

RE: Let's Post Some Halloween Ideas! - Terran - 10-07-2015

Actually Rotshout, in the game I think it shot .357 rounds, but otherwise yeah you're correct.

RE: Let's Post Some Halloween Ideas! - ghasT_T - 10-07-2015

I'd like an Annebelle of the Phoenix

RE: Let's Post Some Halloween Ideas! - knaveHearted - 10-08-2015

er, I feel like the Banshees screech would just be a weaker umpty. How about

Model UMP-.45
+15% Accuracy
-15% Fire Rate
+30% Damage
-5 Clip (25)

1 in X (5-10) chance to turn the "Screech" victim away from the wielder and blur their screen for X seconds (1-1.5 Seconds)

Also another idea


"Dead Man"

-20% Damage
+10% Fire rate
-15% Recoil (Or whichever one means less recoil.)
-5 Clip (5)

Has a 1 in X (8-12) to fire a red laser (Trail that stays for 2-3 seconds) that has 50% chance to instantly kill, if it doesn't kill the target, the target is unconscious for 5 seconds (The sniper won't know which unless someone tries id'ing the body.)

RE: Let's Post Some Halloween Ideas! - Terran - 10-28-2015

I like puns.