Forerunner Gaming
Shiny Gyarados Mass/Constant RDM - Printable Version

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RE: Shiny Gyarados Mass/Constant RDM - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 09-27-2015

We went to ntg bc frg was down, it was an empty server with just people from frg on it. We were there just to have fun!

RE: Shiny Gyarados Mass/Constant RDM - McNuggie - 09-27-2015

Eagle, whatever happened between you two on NTG does not matter here, it's in the past and it's best that you do leave it in the past.

I see absolutely no reason to keep this complaint up. Rotshout, if Shiny was causing issues and upsetting the people on the server to the point of where he deserved a ban; he'd receive one. You did not say anything to any of the staff members (at least as far as I know, and you said nothing in admin chat) saying that this was interrupting your gameplay or whatnot, and either way, he was slain for anything he did to you that deserved a slay.

Shiny; you should watch out with your rdming though. While your friends may not care, some people do as seen in this complaint and some people may not take it as having fun, and you can't be rdming so much to the point where you get karma-banned daily lol.

Rotshout, if you have any issues TALK to the staff, you were the only person having and real issues with shiny and if you came to us and said that you want him to stop, I would of messaged shiny telling him to stop; but as far as everyone on the server saw, it was all in good fun, and that's what it was.

This does not have to go any further, and I'm sure that Jake/Brass/Grass would agree with me.


(If anyone has any questions message me on the forums or on steam)