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Higher Tick Rate For Better Damage Registration - Printable Version

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RE: Higher Tick Rate For Better Damage Registration - Brassx - 07-11-2015

(07-11-2015, 07:07 PM)»Ðante« Wrote:  Brassx, I understand what your trying to say. Because my friends who rig models and such, and on all my servers I never seen this much No Registration. Also, I did test it before that if you shoot someone in the head it might not work the first time and if you shoot it again it would during the time frame of 5 seconds. Its only been on this server I had notice so much damage not registration. I would have not brought it up if I had no clue, I have at least of a background knowledge of it because I am studying programming as well. Also, it is not the hit box because players have said a player had missed a shot but on the client side of the player he has shot them directly in the face. This happens on the other parts of the bodies. If this was a hit box problem, both the server side and client side would see it hit the person and do no damage if what your hit box theory is true, but that is not the case in which the client side and server side see completely different things. For another example, I completely 360 degree deagle shot a player in the head, and from his perspective he did not see me turn around at all. If you can not fix this issue due to budget or due to any other reasons, it is fine. I just wanted to inform you of this.

I have a system that displays hitboxes in realtime, as well as the bounding box of the playermodel. I'm not saying this is the cause of ALL of the hit-reg issues, I'm saying I have personally tested this issue months ago, and it IS an issue(or at least, WAS an issue. In the recent update, they claim to have fixed this 'util.TraceLine now hits player hitboxes outside of collision bounds' see: I have yet to confirm this though), and could definitely be the cause sometimes.

Now, thinking about it a bit more, some of the hit detection issues could be related to errors. Perhaps there's an error that happens on the server that I haven't caught yet(not all errors are very noticeable too), when a player is shot sometimes(or when a weapon is fired). If this is the case, it would cause all functions inside the hook where the error occurred to fail. It could be related also to LagCompensation issues.

For instance, when a player fires a weapon, first it enables lag compensation, which moves all players back to a ping or so ago, then it does the bullet trace, it then disables lag compensation which moves all players back to the proper positions. NOW if something happens in-between the enable and disable lag compensation lines, it will fail to disable lag compensation which could cause all kinds of weird hit detection issues for future shots.

RE: Higher Tick Rate For Better Damage Registration - Rotshout - 07-11-2015

Whoa, all this technical crap that I barely understand.

RE: Higher Tick Rate For Better Damage Registration - »Ðante« - 07-12-2015

That sounds very logical, would you be able to find the focus of the issue later in the time when you are available to look over it? That would be fantastic and that I do completely understand and is very possible.