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Kill cams (seriously) - Printable Version

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Kill cams (seriously) - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-25-2015

I only make this suggestion because I have seen some very fishy shots from people that aren't fishy. I don't know if it would even be possible, but I THINK it could be nice (and of course completely allowed to be disabled). Just a thought, I'd like to see how Terran really just 180'd me and got an instant headshot lol

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - 2bias - 07-25-2015

im pretty sure this was suggested a while ago on ntg, and it was denied due to the videos taking up so much space.

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-25-2015

makes sense, just a thought.
Perhaps there is a way to make it client sided and/or make the videos delete after a set time or when the player leaves the server?

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - Fuzzy 'Mc-Cones' Mcnomnoms - 07-25-2015

There used to be kill cams in the logs, but brass turned them off.

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - Mougwi - 07-25-2015

of course they would auto delete, a 10 second clip for every death on a populated night could take up terabytes

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - 2bias - 07-25-2015

(07-25-2015, 10:49 PM)100midgets jr. Wrote:  makes sense, just a thought.
Perhaps there is a way to make it client sided and/or make the videos delete after a set time or when the player leaves the server?

that's what i suggested lol.

You could do something like TF2, where it just shows the player on screen.

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - Terran - 07-25-2015

To figure out my aimbots, you first must
git gud

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-26-2015

But Terran, how can I "git gud" if you 180 instant kill me. Teach me your ways and give me your hacks.
But seriously could this become a thing? or a thing again?

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - Kili Bun - 07-26-2015

Wouldn't be too bad on space I don't think if you jsut set it so it auto deletes the footage after each round/map.

RE: Kill cams (seriously) - Aresuft - 07-26-2015

If someone jihads and 10 people die, 10 people will be watching a 10 sec video. However they would be watching the same video... Might cause problems.