Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Odd loadout bug
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All of my items were being forced into their vanilla names, not sure if they worked as intended or not.

I reloaded loadout, didnt fix it. Dropped the weapons and picked them up, didnt fix it. Changed maps, still the same.

It has yet to show me a normal name of the items. Maps later, nothing has changed.
this happens every once in a while, brass was probably uploading stuff mid round.
It is still like this several rounds/even a map later.

I doubt it is related to him patching anything mid round.
this is happening with me too.
Hmm. Very strange. Do the stats show up if you press J?
Nope, it treats all my loadout items like vanilla ones. Not even a popup. But the guns still function as normal.

It changed back to normal all of a sudden when i loaded one map after like 2-3 maps of vanilla names.
Same thing is happening to me now. I have confirmed the stats still apply, it's just the name/stat table isn't on the weapon clientside for you specifically. Very odd..
Source = Spaghetti