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Cobaltgeo ban appeal Number I don't know i'm not numbering these... :(

Steam Name (Current):Empresscobalt ☭⚧Ⓐ

Steam Name (During incident):Cobaltgeo

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:56558580

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073382889

Name of staff you were banned by:Brassx himself or unpoke idk...

Length of the ban: Permanent...

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: God I could wait another year I can wait 2 more years I can wait 3 fucking years just please lessen the ban or unban me

Reason for ban:Toxicity. Flaming. Racism. A more recent addition would be using an alt. Honestly I could go on and on everyone here knows why I was banned everyone here knows my legacy

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes I did every single thing  that I ever got banned for and it was deserved I was unhinged and a problem for the community

What really happened?: the ultimate thing that led to my ban was me was I continued to push my transness on people a fact that does not matter being one of those new trans people who constantly push their pronouns on people etc etc etc. A gaming server is not the fucking place for this obviously. This came to a climatic conclusion when Jerome (a member of the community) or everyone I don't remember sorry if it seems like I'm singling people out, got tired of the shit, I reacted in the most immature way possible calling Jerome the n word sending pictures of specifically black people being lynched this was unhinged and irresponsible of me and there are no words or anything I can say to apologize for this. then in the 7th month i don't remember the name of months anymore idk maybe i'm developing short term memory loss. thats not a joke and I'm not going into the reasons of why i'm developing that, this is a ban appeal not my sob story. anyways I made an alt and things were actually going well umm I decided to speak on this alt which i guess was stupid of me but what was stupid of me was making the alt in the first place and buying garry's mod a second time I rightfully got banned on this alt no matter if I was showing good behavior that i changed this did not matter, I was still breaking the rules of course me being me I reacted wrongly and lashed out by going in the shoutbox about 10 times or 7 idk numbers don't matter what i did matter I threatened to ddos brassx which was horrible of me to do and also stupid I'm lucky brassx did not come at me with legal pursuit, thank you. I also called Terran a nazi which I don't care about anymore I've given up caring what people think about me or what people do in their lives its their lives its not my place to judge. this all lead to a culmination where I threatened to kill myself which uhh isn't the best look at all.

Additional details: Honestly I don't know why I'm even making this ban appeal my chances are slim and even if i get unbanned i'm due to be faced with relentless hate for my past and if I do get unbanned please don't I just want to game. I feel regret and loss with what could've been with this server and I was even planning to make another alt (this account) to play on frg I would've been caught eventually not due to my IP i've changed location and I now live in wisconsin and no longer florida but probably due to my stupidity I also realized this would be a bad look and decrease my chances as if I ever had any. to zero and dig myself a deeper hole I'll be honest I've tried all of the inventory servers they're all great but nothing beats this server its amazing the community is amazing the time I spent on my alt playing the server was the only fun I've had in gmod since the 2 years ago (almost typed 3 haha it feels that long) i would like to address something before it comes up in this thread which is inevitable I'm sure everyone has heard it. I have sent death threats to Ozzy if no one knows who this is he is british and played on another inventory server which I'm not naming because I'm not advertising servers this is a ban appeal. This was another one of my lashing outs and it was recent this was a terrible thing to do and probably the worst thing I've ever done its a fucking miracle and a half I'm not even banned from that server thankfully I've gotten back on my meds again and I'm starting to stabilize I take lexapro and abilify for my bipolar 2. this helps keep me in check I feel weathered by recent events which have matured me Again not my sob story this is a ban appeal I feel lost and depressed and I don't have the motivation to sink another 3000 more hours into gmod if its not even on the server I want to spend the rest of my time on gmod for.m thank you for taking the time to read this thank you if you +1 it thank you if you -1 it thank you if you +0 it or -0 it I guess Also if I don't get unbanned I would like brassx to ip ban me using my new ip acquired from me signing into the forums this is a show of trust that I won't make a alt to play gmod and that i wouldn't be able to anyways. on a unrelated sidenote have a picture of my cat her name is peel (like orange peel Smile ) and she makes me so happy as you can see in the pic she likes to climb up my leg (she has these sharp fucking claws owww :CCCC ) and sit on my shoulder https://imgur.com/a/Ee1bgWc (I would've put an attachment but the pic is too big :C) also I forgot to mention this but I wouldn't mind being perma gagged and muted if needed....... i wouldn't like it but if needed. On top of everything else I've started to vape nicotine which calms me down a lot

per your appeal :
you went on a racist tirade against jerome
you threatened to DDOS brassx
you sent death threats to another guy who occasionally plays the server

why do you think you'll get unbanned-- ever? this is among the worst behavior any player has ever demonstrated. i think even entertaining these appeals continuing to be made makes you think in your twisted mind that there's even a shred of a chance of your unban and there really isn't.

For the reasons you were banned does it not make more sense to just cut your loss and stop fixating on getting back what you threw away.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

(12-28-2020, 07:11 AM)Link Wrote:  For the reasons you were banned does it not make more sense to just cut your loss and stop fixating on getting back what you threw away.

i'm stubborn Sad

(12-28-2020, 07:09 AM)DONGERWEED29266602592O3852309764 Wrote:  per your appeal :
you went on a racist tirade against jerome
you threatened to DDOS brassx
you sent death threats to another guy who occasionally plays the server

why do you think you'll get unbanned-- ever? this is among the worst behavior any player has ever demonstrated. i think even entertaining these appeals continuing to be made makes you think in your twisted mind that there's even a shred of a chance of your unban and there really isn't.

I know its the worst behaviour ever there's no way to prove that I've changed I know that, I'm just tired of everything I want to come back to frg its really nice here and the communitys really nice and its what I really need right now.

And I thought I wasn't nice.


(12-28-2020, 06:59 AM)SquaredTriangles Wrote:  yes I did every single thing  that I ever got banned for and it was deserved I was unhinged and a problem for the community


please, listen, you're not getting an unban, i looked and its been twice you've been told that you're never getting unbanned (https://imgur.com/a/YtBrH8J) . these appeals are just a waste of everyones time. please stop.


You will not be unbanned for obvious reasons.

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